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Funfact: AboTak! is a play of word - Abo is short for "abortion", Tak means "yes", together it will be translated as "just because".

Abortion Without Borders and Abortion Dream Team - the biggest abortion providers network in Poland and Europe opens their own clinic. But it's fully funded by individual donations, so abortionists ask you for support. Any, even the smallest, donation will be a huge help!

If you can organize some kind of fundraiser, like event/auction or anything else, please contact with AboTak via email

The more they try to ban abortion, the more we expose it to the sun. That's why WE OPEN THE FIRST STATIONARY ABORTION CLINIC IN POLAND! WE ARE OPENING AN ABOTAK CLINIC IN WARSAW!

We call ourselves the Abortion Dream Team, and for years we have been doing much more than the Polish state to expand access to abortion in our country. Eight months have passed since the change of power, and legal abortion or even abortion guidelines from the Ministry of Health are still not in sight. That's why we're not waiting idly for a change, and we're opening a space that will set standards and identify good practices of abortion care, put pressure on the government to introduce appropriate laws, and on doctors to learn how to do surgical abortions in accordance with WHO guidelines. It will also be a space where you can find our colorful sweatshirts and t-shirts, as well as works by Polish female artists and books in the climate of the ABOTAK clinic! But in order for this miracle on the Vistula to come to fruition, we need cash! Contribute to our fundraising for the premises and become an ambassador of ABOTAK clinic!

You can read more about us on our website:


Funfact: AboTak! is a play of word - Abo is short for "abortion", Tak means "yes", together it will be translated as "just because".

Abortion Without Borders and Abortion Dream Team - the biggest abortion providers network in Poland and Europe opens their own clinic. But it's fully funded by individual donations, so abortionists ask you for support. Any, even the smallest, donation will be a huge help!

If you can organize some kind of fundraiser, like event/auction or anything else, please contact with AboTak via email

The more they try to ban abortion, the more we expose it to the sun. That's why WE OPEN THE FIRST STATIONARY ABORTION CLINIC IN POLAND! WE ARE OPENING AN ABOTAK CLINIC IN WARSAW!

We call ourselves the Abortion Dream Team, and for years we have been doing much more than the Polish state to expand access to abortion in our country. Eight months have passed since the change of power, and legal abortion or even abortion guidelines from the Ministry of Health are still not in sight. That's why we're not waiting idly for a change, and we're opening a space that will set standards and identify good practices of abortion care, put pressure on the government to introduce appropriate laws, and on doctors to learn how to do surgical abortions in accordance with WHO guidelines. It will also be a space where you can find our colorful sweatshirts and t-shirts, as well as works by Polish female artists and books in the climate of the ABOTAK clinic! But in order for this miracle on the Vistula to come to fruition, we need cash! Contribute to our fundraising for the premises and become an ambassador of ABOTAK clinic!

You can read more about us on our website:


Kobiety w Sieci's disclaimer:

Thank you for reminding it! The government not only keep current law. They also shall publish recommendations for courts and medics. Health Ministry shared document focused on law, not even including instructions of contemporary, safe medical procedures. Polish doctors use old, dangerous methods, don't know how to dose drugs for medical abortion or run vaccum aspiration, sometimes even do c-section - not even an abortion method. This guides are contrary to WHO's recommendations. Health department do not call doctors to learn new standards, used in other countries for decades. Do not urge madical schools to include abortion into syllabus. Medics who can't help in abortions can't provide good care after natural miscarriages. Ministry of Health chosen the most harmful for women, interpretation of law. It's exactly the same as the previous government's one. Polish abortion and reproductive health organisations, including Abortion Without Borders (the biggest network providing abortion in europe), prepared new guidelines, based on WHO's and FiGO's recommendations. In Polish! Ready to implement! Ministry of Health got this document from us and IGNORED IT. In Poland help in an abortion is criminalised, so every woman can be treated as the witness of a crime. Police is overeager, often don't know the law and operates against women and their loved ones well-being and safety. We have exaples of searching the cesspools, because women miscarriage!!! At the same time general procurator reminds they can commandeer women's phones and computers- witness'! The biggest party, theoretically declaring support for abortion legalisation, in reality is ultra conservative and missed opportunity to change the standards as permitted by applicable law. We do what we can, but we need also the international pressure on government. We deeply appreciate if any media can share our point of view, as real abortion providers in Poland (we do as many abortions in 4 days, as all Polish hospitals in a year!). Thank you❣️


odgrzebuję stare rzeczy, dostaniecie całą plejkę ahjah


a można przypomnieć


ja rozumiem, że małe grupy mogą szukać osoby do pomocy, ale mam zgrzyt jak tak wielkie organizacje szukają darmowej siły roboczej. i jeszcze te wymagania...

*Czego oczekujemy:

Zainteresowanie tematyką praw człowieka. 
Doświadczenie w zarządzaniu społecznościami online (np. Discord, Facebook, Twitch) będzie atutem, ale nie jest wymagane. 
Dobre umiejętności komunikacyjne oraz organizacyjne. 
Kreatywność w podejściu do wykonywania wyznaczonych zadań. 
Elastyczność i oraz chęć do nauki. 
Znajomość języka polskiego w stopniu bardzo dobrym.   

Co oferujemy:

Praca w pełni zdalna (z możliwością pracy w biurze w Warszawie). 
Szansa na rozwój umiejętności związanych z zarządzaniem społecznościami online, kampaniami społecznymi i działaniami prawnoczłowieczymi. 
Zdobycie doświadczenia w jednej z największych organizacji broniących praw człowieka na świecie.
Współpraca na podstawie umowy o wolontariat.  
Certyfikat i rekomendacje po zakończeniu wolontariatu. 
[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

ja pierdole.

system ochrony zdrowia już teraz niemalże nie istnieje [i mówię to jako osoba, która żeby jakoś funkcjonować, musiała na leczenie wyłożyć, jak dotąd, kilkadziesiąt tysięcy z własnej, i osób które mnie wspierały, kieszeni], ciężko sobie wyobrazić co będzie po takiej zmianie.

a skoro twierdzicie że składka zdrowotna "zabija drobne firmy i firemki", to rozwiązanie jest proste: skończcie ze specjalnymi strefami ekonomicznymi, wymuście odprowadzanie podatków w polsce przez wielkie korporacje i przerzućcie te koszty na nie

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Ja przestałam odpisywać na fb, też mnie niestety czasem coś ominie ale większość już wie gdzie mnie znaleźć. Mamy też bardzo dobrze funkcjonujące grupy na innych komunikatorach.

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