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[–] 2 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

but of course; the poor are not.

well, we created a system of social cohesion and coordination so strongly based on obedience to authority and staying in your lane that the authority doesn't actually have to make sense or serve us for us to obey.

in fact, they don't even need to acknowledge material reality. they can live completely, entirely, in their delusional ketamine fueled fantasy worlds, and we will still be killed for disobedience, no matter how mad and irrational their commands get. such a shame there's no alternative.

'scans the front page, doesn't buy the paper'. right. that's the joke. that it's for someone important enough for their death to make the front page, which is visible without buying the paper.

well there's still five or ten years where people will be able to live on earth.

go on to live into their seventies

oh. they were like 65 years old already?

[–] 24 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

fascists really love LLM's. like ridiculously in love with them. it's where all their 'art' comes from. it's made of the shallow aesthetics with no interiority they love so much. plus it doesn't really require articulating your desires much, or having artists.

[–] 8 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

these short boycotts won't fuck them on dollars, but there is a potential benefit: just in time economics and these long slow prediction-powered supply chains cannot handle this shit.

[–] 3 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

i mean, right now the question isn't 'violence' it's 'against whom'. we fucked up all the futures that weren't a river of blood. the fascism, the horrors, the manufactured consent and insane obedience. the question isn't "river of blood or not" it's "whose, and how deep?"

I personally would prefer as little as possible and none of it mine, but apparently wars where millions of conscripts die are more ethical than the assassinations of the couple dozen leaders that start them and manufacture consent to keep them going. letting people be disappeared is more ethical than stopping it. letting people die of poverty on the street is more ethical than breaking the locks on dumpsters to feed them, or putting them in vacant/airBNB'd houses.

silver lining: it is at least gonna be really fucking metal. so we've got at least that to look forward to.

yeah. letting any SS officer survive world war two was what caused this shit. letting any confederate officer survive is what got us that shit.

[–] 54 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (11 children)

fascism must always create more outsiders, must always create more enemies to keep control, to keep things directed.

remember, fascism appropriates genuine upset and the fact that to the privileged, equality feels like persecution. it steers itself by creating enemies to hate. remember: people's lives are genuinely fucking miserable. there is dystopian shit happening. and all of that is really complicated, and if people stopped to think about it for five minutes, they would pull a 1789.

so they just keep adding more enemies, and more derangements like what the qanons call 'baking' but hitler just said was the way everyone should read books, until they live in a totally unhinged fantasy world, and any method of social control must engage with the fantasy.

tl;dr: sacrificing external allies to fuel a persecution complex, keep control, entrench the madness, keep attention off the american elites that were at least rhetorically some of the initial targets.

hey, don't forget pillaging! pillagers so often go unrecognized these days, next to the rapes and racism and genocide, and I feel like, in a society with such rabid property fetishism, we could very much stand to give them more of the recognition they deserve, instead of shuffling them off to an 'etc'.

fucking white men DEIing themselves into fucking everything. it's disgusting, and it pushes out competent people everywhere.

how could anyone fail to suspect any institution that put one of these incompetent diversity hires in charge?

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