
joined 1 year ago
[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 1 points 41 minutes ago

AI images and music aren't going anywhere. Dipshits insisting it's the future! so they can get rich will move on to the next grift... but unlike NFTs, there's a thing, here. Any idiot can type in a concept and have their computer visually represent it. It's in fucking Photoshop already. This is going to be a technology that continues to exist, and gradually improves, at least to the point of being really goddamn difficult to spot.

And at some point even the loudest haters will look back and go, wow, how'd we ever do stuff without this? Not the LLM shit - that's gonna stay dodgy. Decent enough if you want a Shel Silverstein poem about current events, but it's never gonna discern truth from fiction.

What's gonna quietly change media forever is every idiot with a nice GPU becoming competitive with medium-level Blender wizards. Your student film needs this sliding patio door to become an airlock? Done. You want your hand-drawn storyboards to become a traditional cartoon? Harder, but shockingly doable. Your actual medium-level Blender work lacks a certain verisimilitude? The idiot robot has you covered, somehow.

[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 4 points 1 hour ago

Yes, and then a Nazi bought it.

[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 2 points 5 hours ago

I worry now that this mockery is overshadowing what a screaming fascist she is. Sneering about human rights and legal equality - parroting neo-Nazi rhetoric about a deadline to 'save the west' - and the endless deluge of self-contradictory horseshit. Tax less, spend more! Status quo at all costs, the tough decision! Militant unions! Fuck off, Liz.

[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 8 points 10 hours ago

This dipshit fascist was done such a favor by being linked to a wilting vegetable. She could've quietly disappeared with a doddering do-nothing reputation, and instead, she's getting lightly ribbed about it while screaming nationalist propaganda across the commonwealth.

[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 3 points 11 hours ago

... threat to what?

[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 1 points 13 hours ago

That also doesn't work.

[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 6 points 13 hours ago

For anyone not following this - they're getting cased by venture capital. Some billionaire assholes are trying to use EU laws about minority shareholder rights to fire enough executives that they can just buy the entire company and fire half the employees. Tencent's investment came with the agreement they could not fuck with existing leadership. They are, somehow, the good guys.

It's three separate groups of greedy assholes, each awful in their own way, and honestly the least-shitty outcome of this slapfight is if very little changes.

For those out-of-the-loop:

However, in May of this year Furuya, who’s been married to his second wife since 1985, admitted to having been in a four-and-a-half-year extramarital affair with a fan. He also admitted to having struck the woman, and also pressuring her to get an abortion after she became pregnant with his child.

They set a slamhound on Turner's trail in New Delhi, slotted it to his pheromones and the color of his hair. It caught up with him on a street called Chandni Chauk and came scrambling for his rented BMW through a forest of bare brown legs and pedicab tires. Its core was a kilogram of recrystallized hexogene and flaked TNT.

He didn't see it coming. The last he saw of India was the pink stucco facade of a place called the Khush-Oil Hotel.

Because he had a good agent, he had a good contract. Because he had a good contract, he was in Singapore an hour after the explosion. Most of him, anyway. The Dutch surgeon liked to joke about that, how an unspecified percentage of Turner hadn't made it out of Palam International on that first flight and had to spend the night there in a shed, in a support vat.

[–] mindbleach@sh.itjust.works 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Folks, if you can see it, they can see it.

I don't give a shit if the robot scrapes every book ever sold. I am not about to get worked-up over the copyright claims of pseudonymous randos' disposable internet commentary.

"But can it run Outsys?"


'Well it's only passing mv a list of--' yeah yeah yeah, I know, and that's why I'm calling bullshit. It should be massively harder to execute filenames. Even if 1970s decisions make that the eternal hideous default: the lack of any idiot-proof standard workaround is incomprehensible.

StackOverflow's full of competing one-liners and people pointing out how each one is considered harmful. The least-skeezy options use exec. That sentence should make anyone recoil in horror.

This is not a filename problem. This is a tool problem. If a single printable character is going to silently expand into a list of names, then for god's sake, having it put each name in quotes should be fucking trivial.


Reviewing an even blend of McMansions, recent insurance write-offs, and incomprehensible follies.


Pleasant warbling synths forever.


You're gonna have a bad time.


Instrumental grooves with just a little bit of Del Shannon.

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