They have been coming back. /drugs being one that is back. Don't know wtf happened, but glad I'm here.
Old Fortran/Cobal programmer and those words were like magical words to thwart off any management questions. “Running out to get a coffee” “What now?” “Compiling” “Grab me one also would ya” Magic, just magic.
All the words of wisdom I ever needed was in Grateful Dead lyrics.
Been using it for a little bit and so far its quite good. A few hiccups, but nothing to make it unusable. I'm on iOS 17 and like I said, working well. Thanks for this!!!!
That’s an excellent take on the platform.
If trump can run and win on sowing chaos, why not use that tactic and see how far it can go. I say go for it.
I have a local backup only drive for pictures and critical laptop backups and use rsync nightly. I also do rsync nightly to Backblaze for pictures. Figure if I can grab the drive I will have it stored offsite.
I was hoping someone would take the hit for us, thanks for sharing that.
That's a good take. When I worked in IT for a big company, they brought in a new CIO that was brought in specifically to outsource all of internal IT. After that was complete he retired a rich man.
I find ChatGPT excellent to get answers to specific questions without the sales pitch that Google push's.
A great alternative to Google is selfhosting whoogle,, you get all the benefits and none of the tracking, etc. of Google search.
Most have come back, /drugs for example. The admins said its a glitch, I can't beleive that and glad I'm here. I have no doubt reddit will get on its knees in the name of $$$$$$.