it's Corey from Oneyplays put through a bunch of face app filters.
it was the 196 subreddit icon when Reddit went to shit and I saw no need to change it
delete stuff that violates our rules
All right! I'll send you a link to our discord chat and then appoint you after you join
excellent! The fact that you've been active and available in the 2 months since you sent in your application bodes very well
to be honest, I should be contributing to moderation more. it's mostly my team that does the upkeep.
I'm going to try to be more active in my management of my team members from now on in order to nip moderatorial issues like this in the bud, rather than allowing them to continue for months. it feels unfair for me or others to blame those who made poor calls of judgment when I wasn't there to consult.
hey there, sorry about taking so long for the second round. turns out studying for exams is really fucking hard!
are you still interested?
are you still interested?
if you're still interested, would you be willing to link any other socials, and provide a little bit more information about yourself?
are you still interested?
I didn't get it. where did you send it to?