
joined 1 week ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

nope, but you're starting to come around.

you see, i'm not going to let you do that. i'm going to fight back, which is what any reasonable person should do.

you see, in the end, there is no right or wrong. the critical thinking and empathy are completely arbitrary ideas that I PERSONALLY think are important. i gave importance to those ideas. i will fight to defend those ideas.

ultimately, there are only winners and losers. it's my hope that there are enough people who also think critical thinking and empathy are important things worth fighting for that we can beat the sociopaths who don't value those ideals. but that's where i'm at. i'm ready to solve the question of humanity's identity once and for all. my hope is that the people who think like me can achieve a final victory over the assholes, BUT i'd just as soon see all of the good guys die and leave this world to the sociopaths than continue this struggle for another century or however long it takes us to kill ourselves.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

ok. i see you struggle to think for yourself, so let me try to define dumb people for you.

  • lack of critical thinking skills
  • lack of empathy
[–] 31 points 6 hours ago (33 children)

please stop having babies ffs

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

i knew that the owner class was the problem all along, and i knew that we needed to topple the owner class in order to utilize these things for their humanitarian benefits. i guess i naively thought people would band together for the hope of a better world. i watched the arab springs and the former soviet states and they gave me hope, but i guess the western world is too weak to do the right thing.

the more and more i watch good people do nothing and listen to arm chair commenters like yourself, the more i think that maybe we deserve this dystopia.

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago

an unbiased mediator and administrator of resources that makes logical decisions to benefit all of humanity, able to find patterns that most humans cannot, process data in ways humans cannot, and not driven by petty human emotion? yeah, why would something like that give me hope?

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago

all those things still have the potential to create a better world, and the problem is still the same: the owner class is using them to benefit themselves only. we have to destroy this dystopia by any means necessary. every day we don't is another day we doom billions to suffer for the benefit of a few.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago (4 children)

"I asked you to define “dumb” because that definition needs to be crafted extremely well"

that answer makes me think the same of you. there is no one size fits all rule. people need to start thinking in chaotic good terms. you know the people that shouldn't be allowed to participate when you see them. sociopaths have led us to believe that we as individuals do not have the capacity to make judgements so that that they can create abusive laws. start being a village again.

[–] -2 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

property management and real estate firms are an affront to humanity, but i would like to point out that not all of us come to own more property than we need through greedy schemes. my parents bought a lot of real estate in the 90's to be able to house their loved ones. my mother almost single-handedly provided housing for my grandmother, my aunts, my cousin, my step brothers, and myself even.

as they have passed on, i have either rented or sold that property to other friends and family at very reasonable prices. there is no single act that is inherently evil. there is no one size fits all label. our individual actions and intentions define us.

EDIT: just wanted to point out to the downvoter that she did this as a factory worker earning minimum wage. she was not then nor is she now rich by any metric. she still lives in a shitty neighborhood in MS. she sacrificed her luxury to help others she cared about.

EDIT 2: although i am pretty hard core leftist, i find my peers to be pretty insufferable. there is a reason that most centrists get turned off by you people. most of you would rather virtue signal than think critically.

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago

yes, sociopaths will use any legal metric they can to their advantage. that's why lawful evil societies (like the one we live in) can only be combated with chaotic good techniques.

all of you people that need legal definitions i find dull and poindexterish. the more you touch grass, the more obvious everything becomes.

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago (6 children)

oh boy. if you don't know what too dumb to participate in society is, then you're either purposely obtuse or guilty.

i don't capitalize my words because i believe in casual conversation. this isn't a business proposal. lighten up.

[–] 26 points 20 hours ago (8 children)

AI was supposed to save the world.

These sociopaths have taken the only hope i ever thought we had and are going to use it to screw us. I want the money changers out of the temple NOW.

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