
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

I sure hope there is some mechanism to compensate content creators because without traffic, there will be no new articles.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

I gotta work this weekend.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Bangkok AP —

Thai police have arrested the driver of a bus carrying young students and teachers that caught fire and killed 23 in suburban Bangkok, as families arrived in the capital Wednesday to help identify their loved ones.

The bus carrying six teachers and 39 students in elementary and junior high school was traveling from Uthai Thani province, about 300 kilometers (186 miles) north of Bangkok, for a school trip in Ayutthaya and Nonthaburi provinces Tuesday.

... continues

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

Meh, your phone probably is. Also likely whatever else you use for connecting to the internet in the west too.a that irony isn't lost on the local but we'll educated in china, they just use a VPN. Those who aren't educated, well, they just don't know what's out there.

[–] 35 points 6 days ago (23 children)

It's normalized in the US to be fat. All the people around are fat too, so they are rarely shaming. You'll fit right in.

If you're the only fat one in the group (like when you go to most of Asia) they usually make sure you know - repeatedly - that you're the fat one. It's a pretty big incentive to not be that one.

If everyone else is fat too, then why bother (aside from the million health and happiness reasons)

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

There is a Russian captcha solver bot called xevil that costs under $100 (I think, last time I looked) that has been able to solve nearly all captchas for years. You just have to supply it with relatively expensive proxy IP addresses because Google rate limits solve attempts.

So the title of this article has been true for a long long time. Capatchas are absolutely useless except against poor or uninformed script kiddies.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What is the state of I2P vs Tor these days?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I subscribe too. I'm an expat in a SE asian country where the subscription cost is a bit lower so, I do have that going for me. (~$5.50)

My consumption of YouTube is primarily through the official app on my Xbox. I also have a Pihole but it doesn't work for YouTube.

This subscription lets me watch the creators I want to see, on the device I want, with the least amount of friction.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Won't be too long until he goes to space in something similar

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

One event was weird, the other is normal. One group has powerful friends who can sponsor and press for investigations, the other does not.

And so the world turns.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Well, those goods do help support the non-homeless and the health-insured too. Maybe we can have both?


Pretty sure I'm having heat creep up the Bowden tube, as it's getting jammed a few cm back from the hot end and then can't push the filament any more. When I get it out there's a little molten bulb at the filament.

In this fail, I think it jammed as usual and the extruder found a way to keep going.

I tried turning down the hot end from 215 to 200 and it's still failing. My cooling fan is running at 100%.

This is the third time I've had this print fail at about this layer, around 1 hour into what will be a 26 hour print.

Any ideas?


I'm in the process of hiring for a position and I have two candidates. It's a tough call because both are very proficient but each has some unique attributes. I thought I might ask ChatGPT's assistance with thinking it through.

I recorded myself talking through my thoughts on each one as I read through their resume and the Q&As that I've done with each. Then uploaded the audio file to the whisper-1 api for transcription (for this I'm using the OpenAI API).

Then I pasted the transcribed text into GPT4 and then prompted it with: "Above is my transcribed notes comparing two candidates for a position together. Help me think through this decision by asking me questions, one at a time."

ChatGPT proceeded to ask me really good questions, one after the other. After a while I felt like it had got me to think about many new factors and ideas. After about 22 questions I'd had enough, so I asked it to wrap up and summarize our next steps, to which it spit out a bullet-point list of what we'd concluded and, what steps we should take next.

I don't know if everyone is using ChatGPT this way, but this is a really useful feedback system.


My project is a "breathing" white 12v LED strip controlled by an esp32 on a dev board, and switched with an IFLZ44N mosfet.

In my video you can see it working but also hear the power supply complaining.

I'm using the LEDC Arduino library which allows me to select the frequency and resolution for PWM.

If I set the frequency too low the whine is extreme, but at this setting it's the best I've been able to achieve, which is about 9000Hz. Unfortunately you can still hear the sound from across the room!

It is a cheapo solid state power supply that claims it can output 12v up to 25A. I tried my desktop supply and it emits some whine too, so I don't think replacing the power will totally fix this.

Is there a technique for tuning the frequency or even just masking it somehow?


I live in a city where public transportation is overcrowded, there's constant vehicle traffic, and you can't depend on any commute time for a given day or hour. The average temperature is very high, so walking is a sweaty affair.

The only way I've found to make this city more usable is with an ebike and scooter. It's like the perfect vehicle for these conditions.

However, many people reject the technology and either choose their car or other forms of getting around.

Is it because it's not well understood, or seems too expensive?

I'm curious what sold you on the technology or what is the reason you're not making the leap.


Saw this come through from Octoprint remotely. It was an 8 hour print and died about at about the 7:15 mark.


Old habit, I opened rif and it loads current posts! What's going on?

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