The call was already made from inside the house, we didn't need to let them in.
I've been doing my part; cracked open the N64 and booted up GoldenEye so I could reconnect with Surface and Surface2 levels in prep for whiteout disorientation and parkas.
Great voting. Best voting ever.
May that we live to see it, but it will be horrific when it happens. All the power of the US gov brought to bear against it's own coupled with the misinformation of the internet age, with Putin and Musk fanning the flames.
No idea what will be left, it could go so many ways. Honest one of the best cases would be separation but then the south would just try to invade to start the slave trade up again before too long so they can't really be left alone. Should deport the traitors all to Antarctica.
They are only scratching the surface. If you think medical care is expensive now, wait until you get surge pricing in your hospital because you were found to have a credit card with an unused balance or that your kids only have one full-time job.
Standard take by the young and impatient. If you take the path, the system gets to respond with force immediately and justify it. India's independence and the US civil rights movement were largely successfully thanks to the public and repeated showing of who the bad guys were by letting them abuse and perpetuate violence against rationally speaking unarmed opponents.
Also, if such a movement of violence is successful against the oppressive power, you then have those who are more than capable of violence in power trying to say "ok no more violence" and suddenly de-escalating to get to the desired peace. History has shown it's not often successful and that a faction of purists within the revolutionaries often continue in violent extremism even after the "battle is won". Peaceful revolution is much slower but much, much more likely to be sustainable.
Just wait until they start allocating vaccines to "appropriate recipients". TX? Sure. Oh, CA...sorry....
Lars Ulrich just sued me for downloading it...not sure where to go from here
They were so eager to find out if they could, they didn't stop to think whether they should
You have to enable Rotisserie mode.
SMDH at the improved performance Donnie diaper had with Hispanics this cycle, the leopards feasting.
Same playbook UK just did, they are in the middle of trying to renationalizr rail because it's such a cluster.