
joined 10 months ago

You can skip 3 of these adapters if you upgrade to the latest libraries, downgrade your microcode, turn off WiFi, and bench press a goat. It turns out it was the goat involved I'm the process, rather than the sacrifice, that made that stuff work.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

"Graphical UI" it is

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Systemd is trying to stop a service. To do an action to a service (or any unit), it runs a job. The job to stop a service is called a stop job. Once the stop job is taken off the job queue, the stop job is running.

The method of stopping a service is configurable, but the default is to send a kill signal to the MainPID, then wait for the process to exit. If it doesn't, after a timeout, the kill is reattempted with a harsher signal.

In the area I live, this would mean you could be standing right next to the pizza cooking bore, and still be outside of the delivery range.

That must be a giant upgrade, on account of the many ways a Boeing could be coming down.

Whenever I've been on the hiring side of an interview, the people seated in the interview aren't given any special "Keep the company safe" training, but the HR person coordinating always have been. I suspect that's why it works much better to ask in the interview than after it.

[–] 16 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Brain one way, but other brain other way. Chemical stuff is making brain stuff happen. Makes see different.

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

If you're in the US, run for Congress, win, reform the medicaid backed doctor residency program, with the aim of opening it up so many more people can become doctors. Then watch as the new supply brings down salaries, and eventually gets lazy/ineffective doctors fired. Revenge is a dish best served nation wide, as they say.

It could be a case where 1 7-Eleven car crash per day is the median, but not the majority, with 0 and 2 or more combined being more than 50%, so they mean (but communicate poorly) that most days have 1 or more cars crash into 1 or more 7-Elevens, but they couldn't say that most days have 1 car crash into a 7-Eleven. The only additional information that that would give above simply reporting the 1.14 average is that it's not highly concentrated on a few days, like if 300 of the annual car crashes into 7-Elevens all happened on 7/11 when people jostle over free slurpees.

In short, "average" has too many meanings for its average use.

[–] 19 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm mentally well, I just like thinking about hypotheticals. I have no plans (nor any desire) to fight any number of squirrels to the death, and I do not condone doing so as entertainment or sport.

[–] 37 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

There are details missing in this question that matter tremendously. Squirrels are faster and more agile than us. If they are well coordinated, and behave optimally to win (without concern to their individual survival, only the group's success), I think it would take only a small number of squirrels to brutally murder most people, something like 5. I think their best strategy would be to go for the eyes first, then inflict bleeding injuries and escape again before the person can react. Without tools, and without backup, this approach wouldn't take long to wear down most people.

If the squirrels don't care about their own survival, but make straightforward attacks, I'd think closer to 10-20. The person's injuries will still compound quickly, but once thet have a grip of a squirrel, it wouldn't be especially hard to lethally injure.

If the squirrels still behave like squirrels, and are instead attacking because (for example), they are starving, then the number probably doesn't matter much, as they're more likely to go after each other, and the person would have the opportunity to plan and ambush small groups at a time.

Not a song per se, but I was listening to "Relaxing - Bach in my ass".

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