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[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This was refuted long ago. Systemd isn’t a single binary file doing everything, it’s a project that has many different binaries doing many different things. The only difference is that they are developed under one project to ensure they integrate well with each other. What your doing is like complaining that glibc tries to do everything, I mean it does open, read, write, malloc, printf, getaddrinfo, dlopen, pthread_create, crypt, login, exit and more… Xorg would be another example of a project that does many things instead of one very well.

You make it sound as if it’s a religion … UNIX isn’t a dogma handed down by an infallible being, just a piece of software that made sense for its time. Todays needs are different than the needs 40 years ago, so ofc things have to change.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I wonder how korea fits into that view, overthrowing the western backed dictators sure didn’t work out that well for the North Koreans. And what are your thoughts on the Khmer Rouge, chinas mao etc… I don’t think any of those regimes would have turned out any nicer even if there had been a successful communist enclave in Europe.

It looks to me as if communism in practice is little more than a thinly veiled ploy to fool uneducated masses into accepting a authoritarian government. Personally I think that it’s a fragile system that’s extremely vulnerable to be taken over by authoritarians "in the name of the people". It‘s an idealistic system, and idealism is similar to religion in the sense that it’s prone to radicalisation because it’s members consider themselves to be right and just by default. It’s also prone to sacrifice individuals(even lots and lots of individuals) for the sake of the "whole", which tends to be the 1% at the top in practice.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Actually most of the money are just 1‘s and 0‘s in a computer, coming into existence from nothing and vanishing into nothing. Fiat money backed by "trust". As Henry Ford once said:

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No, that’s a very bad idea. BTRFS has deduplication, without that the snapshots would take up way to much space. Also it’s too many writes since ext4 doesn’t use cow and would have to do distinct writes for every snapshot.

The 240 gb are plenty for a root system without /home and years worth of snapshots on a btrfs volume, only the changes take up space so the amount of snapshots hardly matters.

For /home either ext4, xfs or btrfs is fine. Personally I only use a single btrfs volume and put certain folders in their own subvolumes so they can have different settings for snapshots(no snapshots for /home, tmp and cache folders).

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That 40 year old X protocol might be the issue here, use wayland for multi monitor with different resolutions.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well the fact that you don’t understand the issue is part of it. See there are several ways disks can be partitioned and several ways a bios can go about finding kernels to boot on said disks, all of this applies to windows as well btw.

  1. Bios legacy + MBR partitioned with a bootloader written into the first 512 bytes of a disk and the bios being directed to that disk. This is the old way of doing it.
  2. UEFI + GPT partition scheme. Here you have one or more partition marked as bios+uefi, formatted in fat32, that the bios will comb for boot entries. It’s the modern way of doing this.

What you have is probably a mix of the two. It’s likely that one of your linux installs partitioned your disk as GPT while your your system still boots in bios legacy. The installer is now getting mixed signals, one one hand the bios is detected as legacy mode, on the other it’s looking at a GPT partition table. Now technically you probably could write the bootloader just like in option 1., but if you ever change your bios to uefi mode, which is required for modern operating systems like windows you would end up with an non bootable system. And not just in a “oopsie, I need to boot a rescue disk and fix this”-kind of way but a “we need to nuke the entire partition table and start over”-kind of way.

So what the Suse installer is telling you is that you really should use a /boot partition if installing on a GPT partition table.

Btw if you check the correct option at install time(the one about using the entire harddrive) it should automatically create a MBR partitioned disk for you which avoids this issue as it’s not a ungodly mix of 1. and 2.

This error isn’t a bug, it’s a feature pointing out a serious problem with your machines setup(the one below the OS level). Yes you can probably ignore it, as other distros might or might not, but it’s generally not a good idea. SuSE has a couple of these hang ups since it has an enterprise background and takes some things more serious than other distros. For example having closed ports for printers in the active on default firewall being one stellar example of this. It cause no end of issues for people struggling to setup their printers, that being said it is a security issue and opensuse decided it wasn’t going to sacrifice security of every system because some people want to use a printer.

Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. It’s pretty much the definition of unfair competition, I mean Apple makes cables and artificially hampers competitors cables unless they pay some money?

Maybe the fines are too low so far if they test us like that.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

You booted in bios legacy mode and tried to install to a gpt formatted disk without a dedicated /boot partition would be my guess.

It’s messed up, probably a bios setting related to uefi. Aeon is still in beta and doesn’t handle edge cases that well.

As for your second issue sounds like a waylaid issue with switching resolutions, usually simply relogging fixes that.

You make it sound as if these are distribution issues, these are either weird bios settings or post install issues with a very recent compositor version. Do you think opensuse ships its own drivers or window managers?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Must be nice to be rich.

So it’s people borking it and not the “system itself”. You have control over which people are involved in the software on your system ne it affects the likelihood of it ending up borked.

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