somehow it makes it worse to see people getting radicalized about this. makes the fact that we're in the nightmare scenario acutely real
gamergaters and their descendants are novel (to me). for them the games themselves are just vehicles for what they really care about, which is despising game developers and journalists. they're far right, but much more specifically than that they're an anti labor movement targeting the labor that makes and writes about one type of product. their primary goal is to make that labor feel frightened, unstable, etc
if you've ever seen chuds cheering mass firings (say by elon at twitter or the white house), it's the same spirit, except elevated to the top priority
EDIT: which now that I think about it makes it pretty perverse to invoke Luigi - the whole thing that makes the UHC assassination persistently popular is that the target was a person of enormous power and not labor
at some point I read an article comparing the difficulty of settling antarctica with that of settling mars (mars is... much harder), and pointing out that settling antarctica would be so difficult that we have no reason to believe it will ever happen. found that pretty decisive
EDIT: ok it was a joke
if it's any reassurance, i've understood all your points perfectly! you're basically making an argument for all UI to be more apple-like
I've been listening to faster and worse (see ) and I like it so I wanted to give it ups.
(I think this and the memory palace are the only micro podcasts I've listened to. idk why it isn't a more common format)
more seriously I can't really criticize automation in complete generality. it's way too broad a concept. I like having abundant food and talking to gay people on my phone. but we all know the kind of automation merchant is referencing does very little besides concentrate power with the ultra wealthy
automation is good because big tv. once, no big tv. now big tv
the majority of these wannabe digital lordlings are going to end up following one of the many Roman Emperors of the 3rd century and get killed and replaced by their Praetorians.
this is a possibility lots of the prepper ultra rich are concerned with, yet I don't recall that I've ever heard the tech scummies mention it. they don't realize that their fantasized outcome is essentially identical to the prepper societal breakdown, because they don't think of it primarily as a collapse.
more generally, they seem to consider every event in the most narcissistic terms: outcomes are either extensions of their power and luxury to ever more limitless forms or vicious and unjustified leash jerking. there's a comedy of the idle rich aspect to the complacency and laziness of their dream making. imagine a boot stamping on a face, forever, between rounds at the 9th hole
what if a future necromancer were to resurrect and torture all people who did not contribute to their eventual creation. I'm going to advocate for teaching necromancy in schools
it is 2025 how are you still saying this shit