That's why I love virtual card systems like MB NET. You just generate a random virtual card for every purchase (or a recurring one for each subscription vendor, for example) and move on. Your bank still knows what you're doing, of course, but vendors can't correlate anything. Preventing your bank from knowing where you're spending your money is much harder, for very practical reasons: fraud detection. The only real way is to use a secure crypto coin like Monero, but very few places accept it and you still have to deal with volatility.
Concordo que é um bocado estranho xD
Então uns tipos conseguiram, de fora, chegar perto da prisão, passar a cerca com arame farpado, botar uma escada e bazar com os 5 presos? Muita coisa falhou para isso acontecer...
Yeah, I am lucky to live in such a country and it's amazing. The state and municipality each subsidised part of the purchase, so I ended up paying 300 something euros to install 3.5 kW of panels. My electricity bills are almost non existant during summer and also cheaper during winter. To make it even better, anytime I'm not using the produced electricity, it gets sold to the grid, even if pretty cheap, rebating on my next billing cycle.
Fogo, isso já é muito a norte.
Que história haha Às tantas pregaram-te uma partida :P
Eu tb n senti nada, e conheço gente que em Setúbal tb não, mas pela zona de Leiria sim. Estranho x)
Segundo o artigo chegou mais ou menos até Coimbra.
Sim penso que foi o Livre que propôs o alargamento aos intercidades, inter-regionais e urbanos, mantendo os 49€, no entanto.
Yeah, exactly! I was quite amazed at how fast my French degraded after I stopped having classes.
Pois, confesso que tb n sei muito sobre isso, e aliás gostava de saber mais.
I'm a native Portuguese speaker, fluent in English and can understand Spanish and French. Despite having had 3 years of French in school, I can no longer speak properly, and my writing is really bad, but I can understand pretty well. Spanish just comes to me because of the similarities with Portuguese, I never formally learned it.
As far as I know, modern cards don't just send your CC info to terminals, they do some form of a cryptographic handshake (probably a pubkey signature or similar) which gets confirmed by your bank. I believe Caveman was talking more about online shopping, where you have to enter your card number, expiration date, CVC and often your name too.