LiberaPay takes nothing from donations, and while you can't run away from transaction fees, they incentivize grouping monthly donations into bigger timespans to reduce "waste" on fees.
Afaik OpenCollective doesn't take any cut either, but I'm not sure.
I used to never charge my phone at night, because of my battery health pedantry. I the found the AccA app which enables me to limit the maximum charging, so now I sometimes leave it changing during the night.
The free version is already really good, but I still have the $10/y premium plan because it's so cheap and they deserve it :P
Here in Portugal, unless there's a national football team game, or some otherwise nationwide event going on, it's rare seeing it. There's some merch-like items with our flag and "branding", but it's mostly tourists.
BitWarden has been a trusted, reliable and very useful service for me.
I was about to comment how I didn't know the reasoning either, but then I checked and it seems there is a stickied post on
Check it out!
What a great infographic, thank you!
Yeah, I worry about that... Let's see
definitely lmao
Had a good chuckle with this one lol
I'm slowly but surely working on a rust wrapper that provides an easy API for bots, but it's far from ready.