
joined 3 years ago
[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Nem mais. Esse centro tem vindo a fazer um ótimo trabalho, mas são coisas que demoram tempo.

Investimentos a longo prazo têm sido muito escassos em Portugal, há sempre muito foco na periodicidade dos mandatos. Precisamos de mais coisas assim.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Não é bem bem o que estás à procura, mas recomendo dar uma olhadela à plataforma de participação do parlamento:

Com o devido número de assinaturas, detalhadas aqui, as petições são levadas a discussão nas sessões plenárias da Assembleia.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

Ah right, Molly. Have yet to tried it, but looks interesting.

I think I'm too afraid of moving my main stuff to Molly, lest I lose something :P But the UnifiedPush and multiple mobile clients is enticing.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

True, it's been much more slow paced. Thought it was because the videos took much more time to make, wasn't aware he was quite active on Patreon.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

This is a good suggestion. Docker is more mature and has more resources, so it's better to learn the ins and outs of containers. After getting comfortable with it, you can move to Podman and have a much better time tackling its peculiarities regarding permissions and rootless.

I used Docker for years and only recently decided to give Podman a try, porting my Lemmy instance to it.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Oh really? Was not aware of that at all. Their recent videos about the second Punic Wars were incredible.

[–] 6 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Yeah that's a bummer. Signal has multi device support but only for desktop and iPad (yeah, not Android tablets), but you always need to have a master phone device.

It's been an issue for so long, but this is Signal, they do whatever the f they want.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago

How can I make using Arch Linux my personality

That cracked me up x)

Anyway, I'd say it's good that the OS is out of your way once set it up. Even though I don't use Arch directly, I like how comprehensive the AUR is (even though there may be repositories more packages, like nix and whatnot), think the ArchWiki (like the GentooWiki) is a very useful resource, even if you use a completely different system.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Very well put, he makes an effort of bringing you along, which is a nice thing for a younger audience. I never stopped liking his relaxed style, though. His videos are one of those things I always reserve some time to enjoy.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Yeah, I suppose. His channel has less than 500k subs, though, so I always like to recommend it :P

[–] 13 points 7 months ago

encrypted email

Besides being a form of messaging (so the text somewhat contradicts itself), typical email is a deeply insecure protocol.
In my opinion, it's probably impossible to secure without making a new protocol or making such drastic changes that it might as well be considered one.

Here are some key concerns regarding the usual PGP-powered encrypted email:

  • Email, at a simple level, works much akin to physical email — there's an "envelope" containing important info regarding the communicating parties, which can't be encrypted, otherwise the mailing servers wouldn't know where to forward the messages. This essentially leaks a lot of metadata that can be almost as valuable as the message body itself.
  • There's no forward secrecy — one of the best cryptography features that has become pretty much a commodity in modern systems is forward secrecy, which prevents attackers from decrypting older messages after gaining access to one of the keys.
  • While not an issue with the protocol itself, it's the sad reality and we need to consider — most people use GMail, Outlook and the like, which ultimately need to read your emails in plaintext, for better or worse reasons (search is incredibly useful, but some big players don't stop there of course :p).
  • Another thing is the fact that it's incredibly easy to have an imbalance of encryption, i.e. someone is encrypting their messages, but others aren't. With the very popular email culture of quoting (be it top or bottom posting), an unencrypted party in the the conversation can leak important information.
  • PGP is... peculiar, so to speak. I has a lot of issues, mostly stemming from its age (which could also be a source of robustness and security, due to being very battle-tested, but I don't think that's quite the case with PGP/GPG), tries to do too much and typically has a clunky UI, which impedes wider and proper adoption by less technically people.

This isn't to say people should definitely stop using and promoting encrypted email, since it can be useful.
It's just it gives, more often than not, a false sense of security and can lead less proficient users to send sensitive data through this medium which isn't nearly secure enough for such use cases. Preferably, people with such threat models should opt for better alternatives, most suggested in that article (such as, but definitely not limited to, Signal, SimpleX, Matrix+Olm, XMPP+OTR/OMEMO, sharing files via MagicWormhole, encrypting with tools like age).

On a slightly tangential note, I think someone should make a Matrix client with an email client interface. I started working on a new traditional chat client (completely nonfunctional still, very much in-dev), but I've been honestly thinking more and more about making one looking like an e-mail client, where there isn't much focus on instant room-based chats, but rather on longer-lived 1-to-1 and list-like exchange of messages.

[–] 15 points 7 months ago (9 children)

I went through my subscription list on FreeTube and filtered these out (the list was much lengthier initially :p)

  • Alt Shift X — well detailed and narrated videos about fantasy series such as Dune, ASOIAF.
  • Captain Disillusion — very well made videos about VFX.
  • Computerphile — computer science twin of Numberphile; neat videos about the field with a wide range of guests.
  • EthosLab — pretty much the only Minecraft creator I still watch; witty, quiet and virtually the same for a long time.
  • hbomberguy — well known video essayist, easily one of the best in the platform
  • Jacob Geller — another quality essayist, exploring different themes, such as horror
  • Lemino — very well known creator focusing on mysteries, with incredible narration and stunning visuals
  • LockPickingLawyer — very simple, to the point and informative channel about locks and lockpicking; also virtually unchanged for years
  • Oversimplified — great overviews of major history events and periods, with funny narration and visuals
  • Tantacrul — fairly unknown essayist on music, with well researched material and nice takes :P
  • Then & Now — possibly my favorite atm (alongside hbomberguy); extremely well researched and presented video essays about history, politics and philosophy; very underrated imo

Morreu este domingo, o pintor e ceramista português Manuel Cargaleiro, com 97 anos. A notícia foi avançada pela Presidência da República numa nota de pesar pela morte do "desenhador, gravador e escultor" que deixa "a sua assinatura em igrejas, jardins ou estações de metro, e em inúmeras peças".


The Boys

A place to discuss the great show The Boys.

Just created some discussion threads for the three S04 episodes that are already out :D



Na passada segunda-feira, foi emitido o último episódio da série documental "A Conspiração" que, desde o 25 de abril deste ano, tem vindo a explorar em enormíssimo detalhe todo o processo conspirativo que levou à revolução e ao derrube do Estado Novo.

Realizada pelo conceituado António-Pedro Vasconcelos, a série alcança uma profundidade nunca antes vista (pelo menos por mim) através de entrevistas com os militares que protagonizaram este processo, alguns infelizmente entretanto já falecidos, que representam a quase todo o tempo de emissão. Isto é, à parte o ocasional interlúdio por parte do narrador, os eventos são contados, em primeira mão, pelos envolvidos. Para complementar a componente auditiva, a série serve-se de fotos e vídeos originais da época, alguns, tanto quanto sei, inéditos. As entrevistas estão muito bem filmadas e a edição cria um fio condutor claro e muito cativante.

Recomendo vivamente a todos e todas que assistam à série, que me deu a conhecer muito sobre este grande evento do século XX em Portugal e no mundo, e que muitas vezes é apenas reduzido ao dia D, ficando por contar tudo o que lhe antecedeu.

É mais uma das excelentes séries da RTP dos últimos anos, e uma que definitivamente gostaria de arquivar, mas infelizmente o recente DRM torna isso difícil.


Acho bem, mas talvez 16 seja demasiado alto? E como vão verificar realmente? Espero que o sistema seja seguro e privado, mas é de duvidar.


A couple of years ago, the TF2 community came together with the #SaveTF2 movement, which managed to get a reaction from Valve but little more than that. The game has gotten some bug fixes, VScript support and 64-bit builds, but there's been no action taken against the true problem -- the bot crisis.
This timeless masterpiece has been plagued by cheater bots in its casual matchmaking mode for over 5 years, making it frustratingly hard to play, without resorting to community servers. VAC is a complete joke and the lack of response from Valve is deplorable, for a game that is otherwise well known for making great games.

For the past few weeks, lots of content creators have been posting calls to action, investigations (such as the great two parter from Zesty) and opinions, all culminating in a main effort: the petition.
At the moment, it's approaching 200k signatures! If you appreciate the game, help us out by signing the petition :D


Sign the petition here: #savetf2


Executivo acabou com artigos da lei de estrangeiros que permitiam a quem estava a descontar para a Segurança Social regularizar-se. Novas regras têm que ser aprovadas por Marcelo.


Condições de produção hidroeléctrica e eólica acima da média histórica reduziram utilização das centrais a gás e as necessidades de importação de electricidade.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Hoje celebra-se um importante marco na história da democracia Portuguesa -- os 50 anos da histórica Revolução dos Cravos, iniciada nas primeiras horas do dia 25 de abril de 1974, que libertou Portugal de 48 anos de opressão.



Votem! (


Fui votar há pouco e venho aqui deixar um apelo para que todos e todas façam o mesmo.

Mesmo que não se revejam em nenhum partido, é importante votarem em branco, para transmitirem a vossa insatisfação.

Recordo que as urnas fecham às 19h (20h nos Açores). É possível consultar os locais de voto aqui.


O poeta e ensaísta Manuel Gusmão, 77 anos, morreu hoje em Lisboa, disse à agência Lusa o editor Francisco Melo, das Edições Avante.

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