This is actually a great habit my wife and l do. We don’t eat on the couch, we actually have dinner at the table (though admittedly yes, we’ll still watch the TV sometimes from the table).
It just feels so much better. The last time I visited my family (out of state) and we were eating something, I brought my plate to the table and everyone else went to the couch, and it just felt kind of dirty to eat there.
This has crept up on me as I get older. I worked in fast food a lot when I was younger and would just cobble something “healthy” together on breaks. For awhile I drank Huel all the time because I got burned out on food.
After going vegan I discovered a whole new world of flavor, and a bit before that realized I’m obsessed with spicy food (I grew up in the Midwest with very low exposure to spicy food). Now that I have basically all the material things I want, I really value having an incredible meal more. Unfortunately that’s resulted in poor choices and I’m getting fat.