
joined 8 months ago
[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 weeks ago

Tenacity is a telemetry-free fork of Audacity for a start

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If there is no IP then why would you bother creating or inventing?

People would. Companies, not so much.

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 weeks ago

That couldn't have been the point.

Companies use (read: abuse) IP to keep an artificial, government-sanctioned monopoly they use to extract money from users. Add to that skins, microtransactions, lootboxes, yearly releases and all the other vilest shit you can find in a modern videogame and you'll see it isn't about the studio staying afloat - it's abuit the publisher raking in the $$$.

People who are creatives take it as a point of pride when their work is spread, remade and remixed. What they do not like is if that remaking and remixing is done by a soulless company in the vilest and most soulless way to generate profits. Oh, and except for thise with the best deals, IP stays with the company.

It's not about cratives "not being paid enough" so they need IP protection - it's the very same companies whose IP is protected who don't pay their workers enough. IP doesn't bring money to workers directly nor does it protect workers from anything since again - the IPs are owned by the studio/publisher.

Call it "personal feelings", but it's how the world works.

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Reminds me of Tom Scott's Emojli

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

Civil disobedience is a good thing and it should have no "consequences" to think about. At least in a democratic society, which Academia isn't on multiple levels.

Additionally, a well-meaning and functioning state would make those making these threats think about consequences of punishing free speech exercised in a civil manner.

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Get off the bike and push it.

I know, it's not a great solution but think about it - if you're on a bike you're faster than a pedestrian and there's a high chance a car won't see you if they aren't already stopped (assuming there's no traffic light to regulate traffic).

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Monetary devaluation is the only thing that gives any thin-veiled justificstion for price increases. Anything not covered by the inflation calculator is greed.

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Well, WhatsApp is owned by Facebook. They are a large player, so they are under a bunch of scrutiny.

But at the end of the day, WhatsApp clearly states it takes all this information. They only claim to keep your messages end-to-end encrypted.

I wonder if this applies to text messages only, or to things like voice memos, images/videos, gifs, etc. as well.

WhatsApp doesn't let you send documents if you don't give it full access to your files. Sure, maybe they pinky-promise don't do anything but this is Facebook we're talking about.

The same caveat goes for photos and videos - you can't even send a photo if you don't give it the camera permission and gallery access, something it clearly doesn't need just to send a single picture.

Additionally, WhatsApp loads previews of websites. Sure, on the privacy violations list that's pretty low-priority but I'd still like to not have a link contacted before I can take my 3 seconds to look at it and decide wether it's worth clicking. Especially since a lot of my contacts send obvious scams ("send this message to 10 contacts for a chance to win a free iPhone" type bullshit mostly).

Revoking WhatsApp's contacts permission will not show peoples' nicknames - it will only ahow numbers. Yet you have to give yourself a nickname on WhatsApp, so they clearly have some interest in your contacts. Otherwise they wouldn't block it outright when it's an already implemented feature to show nicknames for numbers not in the contact list.

All quite suspicious if you ask me. Although I don't work in cyber security so it's clearly just incoherent rambing from me.

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

AFIAK privacy laws are still the same as before we left the EU

I can confirm

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Depends. According to the GDPR for any processing of PII you need consent from the data subject or a reasonable basis why you have to act upon the data (your servers communicating with an IP adress is neccesary for your service to function). Saving the adress isn't, so you need consent or other legislation under which you're required to store it that trumps the GDPR. That's the so-called "overriding legitimate interest". It doesn't mean "interest = money", "data = money" therefore "data retention = overruling legitimate interest".

Keeping leaked data or scraping it from public sources is still problematic since you do nees consent.

If you're approached as a 3rd party by someone with data who sells them to you you are obliged to make sure the data you're given has been aquired with consent. Often times checks aren't in place, and ultimately, if you're given "bad data" by the intermediary you cab always claim they kenw they should've notified you but didn't.

If you're scraping leaks, well, there's no one between you and the data subject who can take the fall. You've knowingly collected "bad data" unilaterally.

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 month ago

Yup, it affects all chromium browsers AFAIK

[–] unwarlikeExtortion@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

A question: What is preventing the site using one huge cookie for all purposes, thus preventing fully functional use of the site without also enabling all other forms of tracking?

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