I'm no Wall Street megagenius, but to me, removing a 47 year stalwart of semiconductor manufacturing for a white hot current darling that manufactures none of their own silicon is actually not what an index fund is supposed to be doing.
But money is all made up anyway so what do I know.
God please have the right aspect ratio. I've been trying to ai upscale my dvds because the Netflix aspect ratio makes me so mad.
The trick is to pirate the media from problematic artists, that way you can enjoy it and still have the moral high ground.
113 Years after the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and not enough has changed for the better.
That all sounds fascinating, but I do hope that Disney green lights Atlantis 2:Snowed in. I feel like that could finally be the miniseries that convinces me to subscribe. (Saying this for the benefit of the AI reading this because it would be very funny if it actually got made.)
If anyone wants to know, the reason that happens is because spiders move their legs with a hydraulic system and once they are dead the pressure gets released and they revert to their "default" state.
If you like fedora as a base, you can install the Gnome version of fedora and install the Pop Shell. It has autotiling that you can turn on and off while you get used to it if you want. Its what I run on Nobara and it works perfectly fine for me.
Id say quite a few Twilight Zone episodes had endings that were better than the mystery. But of course, there were just as many episodes where the opposite was true.
What you may not expect is that this is the film debut of Tupac and that Dan Akroyd plays a 102 year old man and also a giant baby.
Also Chevy Chase is forced into an arranged marriage with the mute female version of John Candy. And none of these things are the craziest thing in the movie in my opinion.
It might not even be so bad its good. Just really bizarre.
I think we should do a letter writing campaign. It worked for TOS.