this post was submitted on 02 Sep 2023
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Here’s a website - cults.co.nz - not looked at it in much detail, but it seems to have lots of info.
Lmao they have a "False religion" key, so any religion what isn't Christianity falls under that key.
Also this... "Abortion - There is probably no greater danger to New Zealanders than abortion. The physical danger to babies is obvious"
Keyed as a cult
A shame it's from the Christian lense, I feel like it would be a lot more balanced from a non-religious perspective
Don't need to say "I feel", deffo would be more balanced if the list of cults wasn't written by someone in a cult
"I don't want to gatekeep people culting ... But those guys are full of shit" - *flicks hair all sassy-like
Wow there is some pretty whacky groups and people on the list. Love that they’ve for the advance + freedom parties there too.
That website seems to be run by someone with... very specific ideas.
Their glossary defines several beliefs about god, including atheism, as "a false belief".