The reason this is done is because you can see everything your browser is doing, but you can't see everything an application is doing without disassembling it.
I want very much to go back to websites. Apps are stupid.
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The reason this is done is because you can see everything your browser is doing, but you can't see everything an application is doing without disassembling it.
I want very much to go back to websites. Apps are stupid.
the reason is children. for some reason the most recent generation of kids requires apps instead of sites. god forbid they have to remember an address.
just look at the fuckload of people who cant use lemmy without an 'app'
this is one of my peeeves
My high school computer teacher once ranted about this to us. He said the younger students are lacking the basic concepts of computer stuff. They are spoiled too much to not even know what a file browser is.
That's the parents fault too for not teaching the kids.
Eeh, I see it as a gray area. Majority of millenials, myself included, grew up learning about novel technologies as they developed. We learned how to use desktop computers and browse the internet during a 'golden age' of innovation. They became part of our everyday lives and are second nature to us. The next generations don't fully have that experience but are expected to natively know their way around a computer since they're so ubiquitous in our lives. In reality, they know how to use smart phones and chromebooks but aren't getting the experience of working on a real desktop computer.
Regarding teaching kids the basics, I'd put it on the schools, not the parents. Do schools still have computer labs? That'd be where proper computer skills should be taught. If parents can help at home that's great, but I don't think it should be expected that every kid is going to have a real computer at home to learn on (versus phones, tablets, chromebooks, etc).
One of the reasons I like apps for Lemmy is for notifications.
Coincidentally, one of the reasons companies like apps is for notifications.
Your mobile browser supports notifications per site like an app. It even supports custom icons per site when the notification pops up.
You don't even know if the telemetry leaving your phone to the app server is using TLS encryption, you just let them hail-mary football-throw send it.
I don't understand why we insist on bending over and freely giving away our data to fucking apps.
One benefit an app for something like Lemmy offers is significantly better customization.
I hate that websites will purposely block a perfectly working website feature if it sees you're on a mobile just to refer you to their mobile app.
FUCK websites that require a login, i'm looking at you twitter, you need to be sued over this shit.
Insta. Facebook. In fact all social media that only lets me see 3-4 messages before demanding I log in. Fuck. You.
i wanted to download a singular PDF file yesterday, and apparently i needed to be logged in to do that? I'm not making a fucking account on whatever is for a singular PDF that will help me find my Kojima-name wtf
and that is when I just drop that company forever.
Go to browser settings on mobile and switch on desktop mode. Fuck them sites.
this unironically
My most boomer opinion
Most of these memes are ironic, but this one is actually true. These apps could just be websites, but instead they're bloated spyware
Many of these apps could just be menus.
Even menu websites are chock full of Javascript for no reason. It could be a JPEG!
Voyager app users
Anybody who wants to offer me an open source app that doesn’t spy on me is totally fine, especially when the app kicks ass.
Unironically this. There's nothing these stupid apps do that they couldn't do on a fucking browser from 2018. If you want people to use the stupid app over the site, then please have only the stupid app and ditch the "just pretending it works" site and for fuck's sake, don't make the stupid app a javascript mess, because THAT could've been a fucking site instead.
The secret is that tons of apps are just web browsers in a costume.
I am really confused about this meme template, didn't its usage used to be satirical (not sure if that's the right word)? I remember seeing ones like "Nobody ever needed maths", but recently I am seeing them inverted where the subject matter is actually criticised for being useless. Instead of claiming something useful to be useless. Can someone explain? when did the usage shift?
it's pseudo post-satire is how i like to think about it. It's satirical by nature, but it's gone so far, that it's not quite straight satire, some of the points made are genuinely accurate.
TFW someone makes a desktop app but it’s literally just a bundled chrome browser page
there is an alternate universe out there where every shitty social media website has good rss services and doesn't degrade you for not using the app
Please pair this with: Stop forcing me to make an account for your useless fucking service. It's a pain in the ass and only serves your corpo tracking while I get nothing in return
One of the most ironic things is if you willingly download the app version of a website, hoping it would speed things up and reduce internet data usage, just for the app to be using WebView or some other micro-browser engine which will essentially be the same as if you were visiting the website using your browser as before.
Thanks for nothing.
So I bought a new mouse, of course it came with RGB nonsense. Before purchasing I checked it could be disabled.
Software to control RGB? 300MB. Who knows what the hell else that'll be doing.
Plugged it into my Linux laptop, download OpenRGB, 1.7MB application that supports more than just this brand. Turn off the rgb, click save to device.
Controversial opinion. I love apps.
(Only because in my company, we created a app team to hire more developers and while our website absolutely doubles as a really fucking good web app, we hinder it in order to keep our app developer homies employed.)
im convinced 99% of app development is just for enhanced tracking and telemetry. Most are a browser in app anyway
I used to work for a very large cable company. All of our apps were championed by VPs who had strong personal connections to InfoSys, who got most of the contract work to create and maintain them. Almost nobody actually used the apps - the developers used various tricks to enormously inflate the apparent numbers of users. So essentially they were a mechanism for one large corporation to siphon millions of dollars from another large corporation. My life became a lot happier when I finally realized this and stopped giving a shit about anything.
Bro, my city just made an app it has a news button, a quick link to city code compliance and a quick form for reporting illegal fireworks. City is depreciating email newsletter and website for app and facebook. and I hate so many places advertising decent deals behind apps. I am not downloading an app for every fastfood chain and grocery store. Stopped going to del taco, mcd and Wendy's over shitty apps.
As a side point, what the hell is wrong with Snapchat's UI? It's a mess of buttons arranged by a monkey on cocaine. How is this shit popular?
I spent most of my programming career working for small companies and doing almost everything myself (including collecting requirements, design etc.) but the last few years I spent with an enormous tech company working on apps with teams of professional designers and UI/UX experts (I've avoided the scare quotes around these terms, with difficulty). The designers always designed on paper, and violently rejected any suggestion that their designs be put in front of focus groups of actual users and modified according to feedback. "Users have no idea what they want" was an actual, frequent quote from them. As a user who does know what he wants and rarely gets it from modern mobile apps, I found this attitude a bit surprising. Not surprisingly, our apps usually averaged barely above one star (thanks to corporate instructions to employees to vote our apps up), with many comments along the lines of "only voted one star because you can't vote zero stars".
"Users have no idea what they want" was an actual, frequent quote from them.
It's because they're not designing for the users' wants, they're designing for the users' engagement (or whatever flawed metric they use to determine that). The designers mindlessly equate what keeps the user engaged with what the user wants.
I hate that I need an app to change the colour of my fucking lightbulb, give me a remote instead, damn.
That being said, I prefer using apps over the browser because they load way faster.
(honestly i think tim cook wrecked the company, he's a pure bloodless businessman, thinking only about numbers and value extraction versus innovation and changing the world, which jobs, for all his faults, objectively did)
This was a choice by Steve Jobs for how it is now. This was also the time they were trying to push HTML5 as the future as removing dependency on specialty software. If mostly everything was only needing a website, then it didn't matter what OS you were using. This would help allow iOS and OSX (at the time) be fully compatible against Blackberry and Windows Vista. But then Android got popular and Windows 7 was a major improvement, Linux was growing as well (netbooks, before MS tried to push into that market). Suddenly their push of any device would be on equal footing was not in their favor, so Apple pushed HARD on "There's an app for that" to start the hard lock in of iOS leading to where things are today.
A lot of website use so much ressources, I couldn't visit its with my 5 years old laptop or my "smart" phone. The only way to access their services is with apps. Fortunately, I could choose FOSS apps on F-Droids
However, loading textual information shall not consume all my RAM and most of my CPU. There is an issue with today web
Yea this pisses me off!
-Sent from Boost app
I always thought these were at least 50% ironic. Please don't tell me you don't actually want websites OP.
I unironically do. I don’t use apps for almost anything.