This is going to be the toughest thing in our times. If plant alternatives to meat products or petri dish meat can achieve price parity it will be a good thing for the environment and maybe health as well (if we can figure out how to maximize healthiness while retaining flavor.)
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We have beans and lentils which are already cheaper
Don’t make excuses for yourself to keep eating meat
I don't think I understand. Do you think I was trying to excuse something? Im talking about whats going to happen or not in a world filled with people like myself and even worse if you look at more meat eating as worse.
You’re making excuses to murder animals
I certainly am not. Killing and eating is a fact of life I have no issue with.
Killing and eating dogs is matter of life I have no issues with.
to each his own I guess. I will not judge you.
I suspect you would take issue with your loved ones being killed and eaten, which indicates that you are lying.
yes. I would take issue with my loved ones being killed and eaten. Where exactly was the lie I did in relation to that???
Yeah. If we don't assume that we're more worthy than people who will come after us then we should probably make this sort of change yesterday.