
joined 1 year ago
[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Terms of service are slavery contracts that presume all persons possess the means to process and competently understand the choices they make. The acceptance of these agreements is the legal forfeiture of citizenship and democracy. This is the simplified core issue of present Western society. Ultimately, people have proven that they will sell democracy and citizenship to anyone willing to create digital novelties. This has normalized and funded exploitation and the US party of open legislative loopholes for criminals.

Seems like a stretch unless you fundamentally understand the implications against the third pillar of democracy—freedom of information required for an informed public. Informational determinism is a cornerstone of democracy. This cornerstone is missing and the house of cards is falling as a result. Most of our present issues boil down to this one problem either directly or indirectly.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 32 points 5 hours ago (8 children)

I owned my own business with employees twice. I've faced decisions where I needed to screw over people to grow my business or make more money. "I owned my own business..."

It is not hard to make a fortune. You just need to be a psychopath in a way that threads all the legal loopholes and only hurt people that are beneath your super secret caste rank we're never supposed to admit is a thing.

It starts by making your first million in reserve by becoming a slumlord. Then you can afford to use the legal system to bankrupt smaller fish while avoiding larger predators. From then on, you just need to continue to cannibalized as much as possible. Eating big fish is dangerous. Large filter feeders that kill hundreds of thousands of average people are the safest bet. Also, fund the right political party that maintains open loopholes that are easy to exploit and protect their biggest whales, and turn a blind eye to cannibal fish, while selling idiot krill whatever mysticism nonsense they are willing to buy. It is not hard. Just be a terrible human being. I failed when I tried, but my apprentice at the time still has his house to this day.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 11 points 5 hours ago

Statistics. You're still there and only complaining. I purged all subscription parasites from my life in 2019.

I live by the abstraction, "you can't fix stupid in anyone else but yourself." All you can do is tell others what you did with your one wallet vote and hope that others do the same at some critical mass.

They do it because you're still there, and you care while they do not. You want to think you're human. You're not. You're a new deck chair on a yacht if you're lucky. Most likely, you're no more than a liter or few of diesel.



Derfuu ComfyUI Modded Nodes - is absolutely one I needed to know about a long time ago. In the video they show how to get some oddball schedulers to work despite having awful default settings, also how to extract sigmas and conditioning as numbers without using a terminal, and finally how altering sigmas manually changes the output artifacts in major ways that are far more deterministic than picking algorithms at random.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 7 points 18 hours ago

This, and lay out the details like ELI5 and as an unemotional objective thing with detail.

I have received many flags to sort out that take more than a few minutes to figure out the tone and meaning. I strongly believe people have a right to be stupid, wrong, a bit rude, or to have a bad day. I need to know exactly why the comment is more than this in a well laid out fashion. If you think it is a pattern with the individual, prove it. If some subtle phrase carries more meaning than I may realize, say so. I want to make people feel welcome on all fronts with a Hippocratic framework of "first, do no harm." At the same time, a visible mod is a bad mod. I will read every detail. I will give the benefit of the doubt in every possible case. I won't be passive to bigotry, but I will allow an asshole that does no harm. I'm but one insignificant mod. I care a whole lot more as a person, but I act conservatively as a mod. When flagging something imagine the person on the other end is working on some big project, stopping their day, and taking a half hour to sort out the details, thinking them through, and taking action. It usually takes me longer to shift gears and do this in practice. I'll usually send a message explaining why I did or did not do anything as well.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 12 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Enter the culdesac. Welcome to the neighborhood. Feel free to script your house wherever you wish to compile it.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 2 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

I actually tried that a few weeks ago with some tight wrapped bandages. I couldn't keep it in place. My skin is too loose and fatty just under my breast and it leads to the bandage rolling down. I thought about getting something different to try and wrap it but wrapping didn't feel quite right with pressure in circular compression. My waist is still a good bit smaller so it is about like wrapping the outside of an awkward funnel.

It is such an unusual issue. I mean picture how breaking a rib up around you nipple can make your posture feel better, but it is not just posture. Like, normally people can have back pain but they can still minimally function. If I push too long and too hard I fail entirely to the point I am on the ground and unable to do anything.

I even thought about just the upper part of a corset, but then it probably wouldn't stay in place unless maybe some suspenders or something. The thing is, my posture is what is holding me back the most, but I have major damage all the way up my neck. I can only barely turn my head to the left and can't see over my shoulder at all on that side, it just grinds, locks up, and often causes injury if I try.

The only thing I really got out of physical therapy was a deep tissue massage of a dude using his elbow to articulate each individual vertebrae one at a time. It used to wear him out because he had to push so hard. I learned to do the same thing using a tennis ball, baseball, and the knob end of a baseball bat. I lay on the floor and place all of my weight on the ball/knob while rolling it to achieve the same pressure and articulation. If you can imagine picking up you hips with a hard object like a baseball and trying to put some force into it, you have the kind of pressure it takes to impact where I really hurt. I'm going to need nearly if not equivalent pressures in a small area to really make a difference.

I also need to maintain the rest of my skeletal movement. I may spend 90% of my day in bed, but even when I sleep, I can't stay in one position for more than just a few minutes. I flop around like a fish constantly. If I don't, things get bad fast. One of my lowest lows was from attempting to address my chronic lack of sleep with prescription drugs. It is a tricky problem. Likely one without a solution, but that scares me less than it used to. It is one of my last strings of hope for a bootstrap fix , but I'm quickly approaching a now or never timeline with a bleak future otherwise.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 5 points 23 hours ago (4 children)

Thanks for the reference. I have a bit of experience with print and design. I can make almost anything modular, and have mastered FreeCAD.

My biggest concern is anchoring and shaping effectively, along with long term effects of smaller pressure points. Making something that can handle sitting standing and lying seems a likely issue as well. I want to replicate the pressure from a break specifically. Pressure from rare stomach issues is miserable for me to an excruciating level. Something about it places the wrong kind of pressure on my back issues. That is why I haven't done a corset. I need something like a pressure only on the left side of my sternum on just two ribs. Basically, ribs 5 and 6 are the bottom of what you feel in the front bottom of your chest at the base of the sternum. Intuitively, I need pressure from the front under my nipple area that pushes these ribs into the spine with little impact anywhere else.


I've been mulling over ways I might try to model and shape something to help with my chronic thoracic issues. It's been over 10 years and I've not been able to get effective help. I don't want to talk about that mess and the truly massive scope of what I've done and been through.

I'm not in super lean shape, but I'm not obese by any measure. I'm thinking about trying different ways to stiffen the area around rib 5-6. I'm mostly concerned with how to conform to the shape, skin, muscle, and fat as comfortably as possible while applying pressure. I just don't have a well grounded idea for a starting point.

The best I have felt in the last ten years was after I fell and fractured rib 5 and/or 6 at the beginning of May in 2020. I know it was a fracture from the ~3 weeks of feeling needles when I breathed in, like with prior rib fractures. With Covid at the time, there was no chance I was going for a rib xray just to tell me what I already knew. There is nothing to be done for a rib anyways. The swelling from that injury relieved all of the pain I experience in my back. It was the best two weeks I've had. I even had 4 epidural injections before. That was an almost equivalent level of relief, but it lasted less than 3 days.

If I can recreate a similar pressure as from that break, it is a long shot, but it might make me functional. My physicality is quite limited, but I have lots of fabrication and CAD skills. I think I'm in a place where I want to try and make a solution. Major spending is a no go, but I may try modeling a 3d print first as it is the least labor intensive. Otherwise, I might try leather, or worst case I'll use a clay mold and fiberglass or carbon fiber composite to create a form. Advice, experience, approachable reading materials, or examples of what others have created are welcome and what I'm asking for.

I struggle to stay positive and motivated in this kind of project. I have little interest in medical or anatomy, and really struggle with large unknown projects like this, especially anything that could create hope and large disappointments from inevitable iterative failures. I am both extremely close to being healthy and functional, but it is absolutely empirically out of reach even if it is close enough to touch.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

::: spoiler A LLM is like a reflection of your prompt in the mirror of the training data and distortion created by the QKV alignment bias implementation and configuration in a simulacrum. The underlying profile the model creates of you ultimately forms your ideal informational counterpart. It is the alignment that does much of the biasing.

In the case of the gender of doctors, it is probably premature to call it a bias in the model as opposed to a bias in the implementation of the interface. The first point of call would likely be to look into the sampling techniques used in the zero shot and embedding models. These models are processing the image and text to convert them to numbers/conditioning. Then there are a ton of potential issues in the sigma/guidance/sampling algorithm and how it is constrained. I tend to favor ADM adaptive sampling. I can get away with a few general PID settings, but need to dial it in for specific imagery when I find something I like. This is the same PID tuning you might find in a precision temperature sensor and controller. The range of ways that the noise can be constrained will largely determine the path that is traveled through the neural layers of the model. Like if I'm using an exponential constraint for guidance, that exponential aspect is how much of the image is derived at which point. With exponential, very little of the image comes from early layers of the model, but this builds to where later layers of the neural network are where the majority of the image is resolved. The point at which this ends is largely just a setting. This timing also impacts how many layers of alignment the image is subjected to in practice. Alignment ensures our cultural norms, but is largely a form of overtraining and causes a lot of peripheral issues. For instance, the actual alignment is on the order of a few thousand parameters per layer, whereas each model layer is on the order of tens of millions of parameters.

When the noise is constrained it is basically like an audio sine wave getting attenuated. The sampling and guidance is controlling the over and undershoot of the waveform to bring it into a desired shape. These undulations are passing through the model to find a path of least resistance. Only, with tensor ranks, there are far more than the 4 dimensions of Cartesian space plus time. These undulations and the sampling techniques used may have a large impact on the consistency of imagery generated. Maybe all the female doctors present in the model are in a pattern of space where the waveform is in the opposite polarity. Simply altering sampling may alter the outcome. This pattern is not necessarily present in the model itself, but instead can be an artifact of the technique used to sample and guide the output.

There are similar types of nuances present in the text embedding and zero shot models.

There is also some potential for issues in the randomization of noise seeds. Computers are notoriously bad at generating truly random numbers.

I'm no expert. In abstract simplification, this is my present understanding, but I'm no citable source and could easily be wrong in some aspects of this. It is however my functional understanding while using, tweaking, and modding some basic aspects of the model loader source code.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Probably need to go as deep as the ALU operations available and clock cycles to really see what is going on.

I know nearly nothing of value in this space, but have seen lots of little tricks like this in passing with hobbyist hardware or ROMs. Intuitively, it feels like one of those kinds of situations. You might even find there is a clever use of a carry flag or something of that nature where there is essentially a free bit on an operation. I'm not sure how x86 does the ALU or whatnot here or even if this advice is relevant with an overlay tree. Feel free to inform/correct.

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Vader's moon is my favorite

[–] j4k3@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not that anyone cares, but I used to work painting cars for a used car lot next to this actual place north of Atlanta Georgia. I can't believe I found the sign in an image search.

Only men in nicer luxury cars showed up at this place, mostly older Asian men. I never saw anyone leaving carrying anything. Not items in hand, or a bag of any kind. It became something of a joke between myself and a few other people. I can't confirm nor deny this is the last visage of truth in advertising in America.


Just a mild passing thought and curiosity to mull over


What might prevent metal "blowing" and other forms of shaping from working if gravity was not a factor? Let's handwave-ignore the extremes of temperature as it relates to techniques and the present primitive space habitats and craft.

Is it possible to suspend a pool of molten metal, with a tube inside, spin while adding a gas to shape a container, and form more complex shapes through additional heat cycles in a repeatable process?


So happy to see me, she wet herself in the middle of the trail, and too paralyzed to leave too. I gently helped her off the pavement and got this pretty parting smile.


I figured out how to remove most of the safeguards from some AI models. I don't feel comfortable sharing that information with anyone. I have come across a few layers of obfuscation to make this type of alteration more difficult to find and sort out. This caused me to realize, a lot of you are likely faced with similar dilemmas of responsibility, gatekeeping, and manipulating others for ethical reasons. How do you feel about this?


tl;dr don't bother. This is too abstracted and nuanced. That is okay to skip.

I like to understand the abstract scope of engineering. This is way beyond the simple surface level, with pics below to illustrate my point.

With electric guitar pickups, the complexity of field shaping and design control over the sensor seems like a place where optimising the profitable manufacturability of the final product remains the primary constraint with little deviation.

I struggle to qualify and quantify my intuitive hunch that there is a whole lot more potential to engineer something new and better within the realm of modern manufacturing. I don't know the principal questions I should ask or what might disprove my ideas from the get go.

  • Most transformers shape the magnetic field far more than guitar pickups.
  • a guitar pickup appears to be more of a two dimensional sensor that picks up the motion of a ferromagnetic string in the two primary directions of motion
  • there are more complex harmonic motions present than a pickup can register in two dimensions
  • the coil and slugs of a pickup are surrounded by a single large winding, yet the strings each have very different frequencies
  • it is now possible to make a powdered ferrite core of nearly any shape and frequency
  • the traditional pickup has little effective shaping of the magnetic field path
  • guitar pickups are not optimised to a point where they are readily used elsewhere in other sensory applications and devices as economy of scale should dictate in an open and manipulation free market... I don't think they are anyways
  • what might be the result if a 270° toroidal powdered core were designed and shaped for each string while tailoring the copper winding and ferrite for each string's mean frequency and shielding each of these
  • would a chord segment gap in a toroidal core pick up more 3d motion from the string
  • what effect would a primary and secondary winding wound in the opposite dot notation direction have on the pickup of more complex harmonics and motion
  • why does none of this matter due to the filtering of LCR and the noise floor or other aspects

Like here is the basic range of commercial products:

The typical schematic of operation:

Basic construction:

This is a typically low noise toroidal transformer that has been around for ages:

Now I need you to abstract this concept with me a little bit. Imagine if a small toroidal core was below each string and offset towards the neck or bridge so that they will fit. Nothing would stick out or surround the string. The 270° is not a radius cut like a pie. Instead it is a chord and removed segment:

There are totally random pics from DDG that are somewhat illustrative in abstract:

These are just some random powdered core ferrites that illustrate how these can be formed into any shape now:

I usually avoid anything audiophile related because it draws out pseudo science nonsense like crazy, but at the center of this question is really a desire for a deeper understanding of sensors and magnetics that have much broader applications in precise motion control and sensors for a range of equipment.

In a higher level of abstraction, I'm also really asking when and where does this subject become the realm of the illusive bearded nude virgin demigods that get enslaved to corpo NDA masters from birth. ^.5^/s


The following is a 14 minute edutainment upload presenting the funicular hanging chain and other techniques of deriving optimal structural compression geometry using the opposite form in pure tension (sounds more complicated than it is), by Architecture and Design Professor Stewart Hicks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRv_syz2DAc

This is a must watch as it shortcuts math and modeling in useful ways for design with minimal materials. I'm sharing as a 3d printing FreeCAD parts designer that likes to integrate all elements without printed supports in every possible case. The funicular draping chain idea is very much adjacent to how I think about integrating elements into a print design. I have designed with shells that integrate my structural elements, but this upload was an aha moment that takes my empirical design process to a new conceptual level. Modeling structural elements and knowing the math to apply can be challenging, but this kind of principal is a very useful shortcut. More info in article form: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funicular_curve


So not bathroom related tasks, but more like some arbitrary thing you must and always do daily.

For me, I watch Anton Petrov's daily white paper summary with dinner since some time in 2018. Even when New Pipe is down, I hit up Vimeo or Odyssey to watch Anton.


I've been watching some One Marc Fifty stuff on YouTube. I can follow him well, and I'm decent at much of the hardware stuff. At least I can compile OpenWRT or do a basic Gentoo install with a custom kernel. I dread staring at NFTables, but can hack around some. I don't fully understand networking from the abstract fundamentals. Are there any good sources that break down the subject like Ben Eater did with the 8 bit bread board computer, showing all the basic logic, buses, and registers surrounding the Arithmetic Logic Unit? I'm largely looking for a more fundamental perspective on what are the core components of the stack and what elements are limited to niche applications.

I just realized I want to use self signed client certificates between devices. It was one of those moments where I feel dumb for the limited scope of my knowledge about the scale of various problems and solutions.


I'm looking for a place to find any special info on soil nutrients, and simple image comparison type diagnostics. Something like the Wikipedia of a farmer's almanac or something. I'm looking for the best public commons type sources with no ulterior motives or influences; farm nerds for farm nerds.

I'm not looking for copy and paste articles, ads funded nonsense, or anyone that is influenced by sponsorships or product reviews of any kind.

If I have holes in the leaves of my tomato plants, or want to know the ideal lighting conditions, or soil pH, or hydroponics versus potted watering regimes, etc., I want to know where to look for info with everything from basic to advanced academic level depth.

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