Well if it wants to fix the inflation issue. Isn't this the entire point of high interest rates. Slow down speculation. Push risky investments out of housing. Actually bring down the cost of housing.
Obviously banks getting rich on our misery is a side affects. Maybe tax them on that glut and reinvest it in things to help average kiwis.
My plan would be.
Solar for all houses and Nationalize the energy sector. Make it non profit and charge the least amount of money to keep the system running. Incentives for adding solar to all properties and create a solar industry in NZ.
Pump money into making food affordable and cheaper. Make food cheaper not more expensive. Maybe try to increase competition and cut out profit gouging on folks.
Government run farms and roll out community gardens and the like.
Cut glut of politicians and use experts who actually know what they are talking about. Remove housing speculation.
More trains and better transit links. No more return to offices. Hire the best people for the job regardless of location.