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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/SolarNomads on 2024-12-04 15:50:15+00:00.
Hello everyone. Im willing to take some heat on this because I think its important for everyone to understand what the current capabilities are of commercially available drones. People have a good understanding of what a DJI quad can do but it falls off pretty fast after that. I dont want to conflate drones and UAPs or feed into that narrative but we as a community need to understand what current drones are capable of so we can be more confident in our assessments. So with that in mind I present the following example of a civilian experimental drone. The main takeaways are a flight time of 14 hours and remote operations using a variety of means in excess of 5000km from the drone. These performance figures are down right shocking but they are the current cutting edge. The worlds various militaries likely have better if not at least similar performing equipment.