“Elden Ring” achievement in Elden Ring (obtain all achievements.) I am a very casual gamer and I played very little of dark souls 3 but I couldn’t get past the tutorial boss so I gave up. I heard many great thing about Elden Ring so I decided to give a FromSoft game another try. The freedom of that game made it really easy for a casual player like myself to go my own pace and get used to the i-frames. I fell in love with the game and my first play through I used as many summons as I could but my other play throughs I hardly used any. It turned me into a gamer that dodged and used parries which I never did before. Very good game and I’m excited to play the dlc.
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You should give the older DSs a try again (and Bloodborne if you have a PS for sure). I still prefer the first DS. The combat is slower and easier, and generally just not as good. The world is amazing though. There's still no other game like it. The way it all links together and has tons of paths that connect different pieces of the map feels amazing.
If you do decide to play DS1, remember what you learned in ER about feeling free to leave and try something else if it's too challenging. Especially at the begining there's several paths and some are harder than others. One small spoiler is everyone says to avoid the catacombs at the start. There's an item you can get there that let's you heal more though, so it's actually helpful to grab earlier, just a pain in the ass. It's your call on that. There is no wrong path, but some are more right than others.
Now this is luck and not skill, but I traded Pokémon in Pokémon GO with a friend. When you do this, the Pokémon you send to your friend rerolls its IVs. The Duskull I sent him rerolled its IVs, the Buneary he sent me rerolled its IVs, and we both ended up with perfect-IV Pokémon.
(I’m a 100-IV aka perfect-IV hunter in Pokémon GO. In the mainline games, I tend not to care as much.)
Was it a lucky trade?
I don't achievement hunt but getting one that 0.5% of players achieve feels good. One in particular is "Humble Pie" in Stellaris.
Humiliate an Empire that is in the Supremacy Diplomatic Stance, forcing them out of it
Hollow Knight 112% "Pure Completion"
One of my favorite games, but it's so hard.
Nethack, ascending a Caveman, Wishless, polyselfless, Genoless:
My first was a Valkyrie, and I've gotten a couple of wizards to the bar, but Caveman was a challenge
There's two actually and both are pretty niche but I'm proud to have accomplished.
I love to surf in CSGO/CSS/Momentum Mod and at the time of writing I'm top 1.4% of a large server on CSGO of people who surf which isn't amazing by any means but feelsgoodman.
I managed to finish a 16 star "run" on Super Mario 64 (wasn't fast but was super fun and the child in me was in amazement)
Back in the days I was one of the first to get the Loremaster achievement on out server in WoW. It basically meant doing every quest in the game.
Another one is not so much a coded ingame achievement, but I can do The Secret of Monkey Island from beginning to end without hesitating at any point. Most of Monkey Island 2 too, but som parts still gets me.
Platinum in all Yakuza games.
SL1 Dark Souls run. Should specify any%, I definitely skipped a good few bosses, and just abused pyromancy, but I did get to the credits with SL1.
Completing the Vidmaster challenges in Halo 3 and ODST to earn Recon armor is probably up there for me. They sure didn’t make it easy and it feels good to have earned Recon. For example this achievement:
Vidmaster Challenge: Endure: In Firefight, on any mission, pass the 4th set on 4-player Heroic LIVE co-op.
This one alone takes nearly 3 hours of continuous playtime per attempt and I remember the frustration if you failed a wave and had to start over.
I remember those, one of the few times in my gaming lifetime I was willing to help and join random parties of randoms was to get those Vidmaster challenges done with them.
Everyone wanted Recon so it really brought people together to grind out the challenges. Man I really miss the old Bungie and those Halo 3 days on Xbox 360.
Beating COD: MW and the remastered campaign on veteran.
Either platinuming sekiro or beating devil may cry 5 on dante must die difficulty, I'm not sure which is better. Platinum sounds more impressive, but according to steam achievement stats dmc5 dmd is rarer so I guess I'll pick that one
My platinum in Bloodborne.
Fuck you Defiled Amygdala. Go eat a Winter Lantern.
Being (briefly) 9th in the world at Unreal Tournament. :)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided non lethal playthrough
I think I did this. I tried to do it with Human Revolution, but when you're playing stealth non-lethal and then suddenly you're in a boss fight, it feels pretty stupid. I quit that game and never went back. MD was pretty good. Both have too much vent crawling to solve everything. I wish we'd get a new Deus Ex more similar to the original...
I got hooked on a game in college called Sveerz. It was one of those Wild Tangent games that came preinstalled on my laptop. I loved that game and played way too much during class. I managed to get the #1 worldwide rank by about double the next highest score, and I was crowned with an icon that called me "The One."
Funny thing was, I didn't realize I was anywhere near the high score. I was just having fun.
Red, yellow, blue, green. Sveerz! I loved that game. My husband hated it.
Getting over it with Bennett Foddy(sp?) - completing the game 50 times. Once you've done it three times the other 47 are a breeze, just pop a podcast on. It's the most fun achievement to show other people; they always think you're a bit mad for doing it due to the game's reputation.
I would probably say the time I stole the aegis (my first and only real aegis steal, I rarely think the risk is worth it partly because of the characters I play)
This happened a long time ago https://youtu.be/_e4cmiAfXsg
Have you ever seen keeper of the light aka KOTL stealing aegis and living
I maxed on OSRS and a week later I got my first infernal cape.
Highlight of my life.
Getting all completion marks on hard mode in The Binding of Isaac with Lost and Tainted Lost legitimately.
After years of grinding, I've reached a solid foundation in 2d fighting games.
It's not all that uncommon, but I'm pleased with my platinum trophy for Beat Saber. That was for the PS4 version -- I'm still working on it for PS5 and dealing with the different controllers, being out of practice, and just getting older/less coordinated.
My rarest platinum trophy is for Sports Champions, back on the PS3. Sony claims 0.1% for getting that one -- even PSNProfiles tracks it to 0.51%.
Clutching my team in a 1v4 with a ghost pistol gun in Valorant. My entire team was cheering me on in the chat. It was very memorable
Recently, getting S-Rank on every mission in Metal Gear Solid V :)
An older achievement is probably when I blasted through the Borderlands 2 campaign in one sitting in like 4 hours lol
All the Slay the Spire achievements and did Ascension 20 until I could win most of them and get some streaks of like 5 or so at each character. I‘ve long since stopped and would lose a lot more now, but it was probably the most serious I‘ve ever gotten with a game.
For me its between my first FFXIV Twintania or WoW Arthas 10 Man hard first kill.
I don’t know what it is about first kills with a group of players in an MMO, but weeks of work and collecting gear for a hard fight and then beating it is super rewarding
Mare Nostrum in Europa Universalis IV. Restoring the Roman Empire was the first big achievement I got in the game.
I'd say Hyper Light Drifter's 800-dash challenge. It was dumb and daft but boy am I still proud I got it done.
Did you do it manually?
Yes, although I think with the sound turned off so it wouldn't distract me to get the rhythm right.
100% God of War on GMGOW difficulty. Went in completely blind. Took almost an hour on the first encounter as I learned the controls and the final Valkyrie was rough (although it brought everything you learned from the previous ones together quite well).
I really hated Niflheim though… so tedious.
In the original FF7 I beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon without doing the chocobo breeding minigame to get Knights of the Round. Yuffie, her ultimate weapon Conformer, and a really excessive number of counterattack materia does wonders.
I platinumed Final fantasy XIII. Not that incredibly difficult I guess, but it took so freaking long to get all the weapons, and some are missable IIRC so I had to meticulously catalog each one and make sure I didn’t miss an opportunity to get one.
About a year ago I went through the Tony Hawk games 1-American Wastland and 100% all of them. And not just do one play through with 100% of the goals and stuff. Unlocking characters and everything, which means beating each game over and over with every character.
Got the Kingdom Hearts collection for the PS3 and platinumed 1 and 2
In 2013 I played and wrote about a different Steam game every single day for the whole year and it nearly killed me.
Took me a few months but last year I started speedrunning GTA V. Specifically Trevor%. My goal was to get a top 100 time, and I eventually did get I think 86th, but I've since fallen and not sure I'm even in the top 100 anymore.
I beat Eve Online
Gaming for 30 years straight and never picking up any completionist disease, enjoying games up until the content is dense enough fro me to have fun and moving on after finishing it, as in, killing the last boss, winning the tournament, exploding the base, not as in picking up the .jpgs of spiderman hiding under the barrels.
I've never gone for in game achievements. The most memorable personal achievement was as a kid completing Sonic 1 with all emeralds without using cheats.
Either getting 120 stars in Mario 64 or all the heart containers in A Link to the Past, in the pre-Internet age of video gaming.
H/M to getting all my characters equipped with Moon armor in Chrono Trigger.
I've thought about going for all the stars in M64, but never get around to it. Might start doing that here soon.