I love the iridescent effect! The geometric design makes me think of some far future sci fi, like Foundation or Dune.
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Good call, I can totally see that!
What is it? Looks a bit like a CD.
It's actually a plate of titanium I did some patterned anodization on. Anodizing titanium creates a nanometers thick crystalline layer that can constructively/destructively interfere with lightwaves to create color without pigments or dyes. I invented a process to spatially control anodization a few months ago and I've been using to create art ever since. Let me know if you have any other questions!
These are so cool, I hope your patent gets granted so I can read more about your process :)
I actually just got the provisional patent filed! I'm going to start working on a breakdown of the process now and throw it up on my website. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer now though!
That is really cool. At first when it scrolled by I thought it was pastels. The contrast between the diamonds and the colours made me take a closer look, and then finding out you invented an anodizing process to make this blew my mind! I look forward to seeing more. Good luck with your patent!
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'll keep posting for sure.