Rust, it is a pleasure to work with and far more flexible in where/what it can run then a lot of languages. Good oneverything from embedded systems to running on the web. Only really C and C++ can beat it on that, but those are farlesss pleasant to work with. Even if it is not as mature in some area quite yet, it just gets more support for things as time goes on.
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DotNet Core as a whole (C# + F# + other languages that are being ported to compile down to a DotNet binary).
Because it has all the things Java promised us - frictionless, painless, cross-platform programs - but is implementing it far better than Java ever could.
Honestly, DotNet Core is now at least a half-decade or more ahead of Java in terms of the base platform and C# language functionality/ease-of-use. The only advantage Java has at this point is it’s community ecosystem of third-party features and programs.
I remember my first job working with C# - this was the common sentiment: it's a Java that is better than Java at being Java. I mostly agree with that.
Try using Kotlin some day, though. I consider that language to be even better than C#, and it additionally gets to leverage the JVM ecosystem.
Kotlin > C# > Java, in my book
C, because it can run everywhere and I won't be limited on the things I can make
Me waiting for all the C websites written in AngularC /s
Lol cgi page generators written in C were the OG web framework. Maybe perl too.
Python. Not even a competition. My love of programming quadrupled the day I switched to python and it's getting stronger and stronger. I have now 10 years of professional python experience and around the same of C++ with occasional C#. A few projects in Go and Java. They all have ups and downs, but... Not even comparable how much everything is more elegant and simple in python
I don't get it. I love python for small quick projects. But anytime things get more complicated, I find myself constantly tripping over myself without the strong typing and errors letting me know I when I've changed a property in a class that in falling elsewhere.
Python. I'm in data science. Sure I could write all that code in C or C++, but my time spent coding all that extra boilerplate is better spent on analysis.
I've already made this choice. Switched from C++ to Go, and now I never want to touch another language at all. Since I'm not writing kernels or embedded, Go is pretty fast for everything else. Not very popular in gamedev, but that's just a lack of 3rd party libs, specifically native graphics support.
As for other languages, I can't justify unnecessary complexity that is generally welcome by those language communities. Go is straight simple yet powerful, and I admire that.
I'd probably pick something esoteric and then just stop programming, tbh. I enjoy being a polyglot programmer, and learning many languages and learning from many ecosystems is incredibly interesting to me, far more than hyper-specializing in a single language would be.
I'd probably pick something esoteric and then just stop programming, tbh
I'll just leave this here for your consideration... "Friendship is Magic ++
C, can build any other language from that :D
And if i am gonna be miserable, may as well inflict as many vulnerabities on everyone else while I am at it.
It would be C++. Its versatile enough to do everything with it.
Right? C++ feels like cheating. It has every conceivable feature, and you maintain sanity by not using most of them.
- It covers all bases, from embedded to backend to webdev to gamedev.
- I could create libraries with it, which can be called from other languages.
- It's good.
For me it would be C++.
Likely either C or C++, both languages have been around for a long time and both are still used in huge projects
Scala. Expressive, concise, can scale from simple to sophisticated. Sufficiently powerful - has metaprogramming, advanced types. Runs on a world-class runtime and takes advantage of a huge, mature package ecosystem that isn’t going anywhere.
Assembly, so I can shorten my lifetime quite a lot
Unison. If it were to gain mainstream adoption, it would change the world. It’s a crazy futuristic idea and no one else seems to even remotely be approaching the same thing.
C, because I can find a compiler or interpreter for other language written in C (I may need to run a few steps to get there), and thus work around your silly and nonsense question. Seriously, I use multiple languages because there is no one true language to rule them all. I use C++ for problems where bash would be wrong, and bash where C++ would be wrong. And some python, cmake, lua mixed in for good measure. I'm looking at Rust to add (rust doesn't like the way our system designed so it is hard to figure out how to implement it)
I know this is a harmless "what if" but let's be encouraging people to explore more languages not to choose a single one to be everything for all time.
Ideally I'd choose Rust because I enjoy working with it, but don't have enough time to commit to it at the moment. But being Practical I'd probably say Java, its easy to get stuff going and has been around forever so it's easy to find solutions etc.
I'd love to take Haskell, but there's neither enough support nor enough jobs. Same with most functional languages really. But nothing else compares.
Probably Ruby. For some reason .. no, that's a lie .. playing with Exherbo, Gentoo and Funtoo, but mostly Exherbo, made me loathe Python. However, everyone in the data processing arena seems to use it, so I'm bound to have to change my ways eventually! For "Ruby": read "Python".
My days of needing high-speed low level languages are long gone. I learned C on Borland C++ back in 1990 to price derivatives on 386s. Loved it.
If I mess around with any language it's for fun. I intend to commit suicide, when my time is done, by the percussive head trauma that learning Haskell will cause me.
Kotlin without a doubt.
Gives you more flexibility and freedom that most scripting languages. The syntax is clean and concise, the tooling is amazing and can compile to JVM, JS, Native and WASM.
Java. It's familiar, it's the one I use most at my job, and I'm not in love with any other language enough to choose something less pragmatic.
PHP or C++, I love both of them for different reasons. Tough one deciding between the two.
Rust, hands down.