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[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

It's good you're able to talk sanely about it.

But I don't understand the anger around the subject at all.

It's simply a subject of personal autonomy and body integrity.

Imagine being a grown man or just a teenager and being forced to perform that operation without your consent nor any explanation (as it's mostly useless out of social norms and potentially harmful). I guess you'd be furious, at least.

That's it.

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I could do that, what's the problem ?

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world -4 points 8 months ago

I propose flooding hamas' tunnel networks with sea water...

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 46 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Remember what an alpha is ? In video games, it's the first release, extra rough, not yet full clean of a game. It's the test version.

So I propose that we call "alpha males" ... "the test version".

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

No one misses when McCain was saying of Obama "He is a good guy." ? Couldn't it be good today ?

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

As a part of "the rest of the world" I say you clearly : no. I don't want Trump nor Gilead. I prefer corporate America other that.

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 68 points 9 months ago (26 children)

As a non-American, I beg you, get rid of Trump. You're the most powerful country in the world, your election has so much impact outside your borders, we are looking at it and are expecting...

What happens in November ? We don't know and it's kinda scary...

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

What does it mean ? I live in a civilised society where the police works with rules and stuff and don't use violence needlessly.

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world -4 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Do you suggest men/women/humans NEED guns ?

Because I don't need one. I feel perfectly fine without one.

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

You're dreaming a bit too much there, sorry.

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

Il y a beaucoup d'endroits comme ca.

[–] 22decembre@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

You can bet genetic engineering has reached a level where you can sterilize your whole army without a concern.

So soldiers fucking like rabbits ? Maybe. All genders ? Maybe, we have no idea whether there were women onboard. BUt did they get pregnant ? Why bother ?


En 2020, le Danemark a changé sa loi relative au viol définissant le viol comme un acte sexuel sans consentement.

C'est bien sûr bien moins clair qu'auparavant (c'est quoi le consentement ? Est-ce qu'on consent lorsque rien n'est dit ? Est-ce qu'on consent à du sexe lorsqu'on est pas réveillé - les personne en couple peuvent temoigner), mais bien plus respectueux des victimes et de la realité (énormement de victimes de viol se figent lors de l'acte, ce qui fait qu'il n'y a pas vraiment violence).

C'est moins clair mais neanmoins c'est passé, avec de nombreux débats sur "c'est quoi le consentement...". Je peux indiquer les reflections assez môches qu'on a eu. Finalement, ca a ressemblé à une seance d'educ' sex' à l'echelle nationale.

C'est bien moins clair mais les juges danois ont dit que ca leur donnait maintenant les outils juridiques pour imposer des peines plus lourdes. Donc il ne s'agit pas de rendre la loi moins sévère.

La France s'oppose à cela.


I hear / read that it would be in both Japan's and South Korea's (SK for short) interest to be friends and/or allies. It's been acknowledged by both gov' and the USA wants it too (I think).

So why are they still not so friends ? Every military exercises where Japan and SK have to be together, they are actually "exercising with the USA", but not really together. And the list goes on of small stuff that could be improved on their diplomacy.

I hear it's because Japan did not make formal apology to SK for its past WW2 crimes, nor made any form of memory and introspection work on that period.

Why is Japan not doing it ? Why is Japan not working bigger on their relationship with SK when it's in their biggest interest in any matter (diplomatic, military, economic and whatnot) ?

Am I missing something ?

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