
joined 6 months ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Look at all these videos of your step moms doing things!

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Imagine knowing about encryption and using a cloud service

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Every country I've traveled to.

Japan and Korea were all smiles while asking me to go English. Very patient.

Some Germans saw me as a way to practice their English, which was funny.

France, I avoided tourist cities and they still had a look of annoyance with my broken French.

Thailand/China was probably the most "stop, just speak English".

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Haha I say Fucking A.

Works for everything.

[–] 51 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

My buddy says a thing when he doesn't understand but doesn't want to offend.

Man: lots of psychopaths

Him: "You know it! All day every day"

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Challenge accepted.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You're not the only one. I bought a Steam deck because why not. I didn't have a use case.

But every month for a year, I continued to play more and more on Steam deck over PC.

It's reaching a point where if i had to choose between upgrading my graphic card or buying the next iteration of a Steam Deck, I'm going for that next Steam Deck.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago

Me hooking up my PC to the TV. 🤮

Me using Steam Deck to play on my TV. 🤩

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

It's weird how America is pretty divided on this. Like we believe in consequences?

So you can absolutely yell Fire in a movie theater and get a lawsuit. Or you can scream "Bomb" in an airport and get tackled.

Yet on the phone, some lady said "Delay, deny, depose" and suddenly, she's a terrorist.

We "believe" you should have the power to say anything.

Yet that's a lie and Americans still believe in it.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago


As an American, there isn't a single thing I read here that I disagreed with.

But are people expecting change? Like you hate American sitcoms... Bro so do I! You hate how much we take over world politics. Like dude I know, sorry man!

But continue sharing. It's nice to get some opinions and bring us down a peg.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

This sounds pretty accurate! When I was enjoying sitcoms, i was in my teens. Where the +30yo crowd barely could relate.


Amairani Salinas was 32 weeks pregnant with her fourth child in 2023 when doctors at a Texas hospital discovered that her baby no longer had a heartbeat. As they prepped her for an emergency cesarean section, they gave her midazolam, a benzodiazepine commonly prescribed to keep patients calm. A day later, the grieving mother was cradling her stillborn daughter when a social worker stopped by her room to deliver another devastating blow: Salinas was being reported to child welfare authorities

What happened to Salinas and Villanueva are far from isolated incidents. Across the country, hospitals are dispensing medications to patients in labor, only to report them to child welfare authorities when they or their newborns test positive for those very same substances on subsequent drug tests, an investigation by The Marshall Project and Reveal has found.


A bankruptcy judge on Tuesday rejected a bid by The Onion’s parent company to buy Alex Jones’ far-right media empire, including the website Infowars, ruling that the auction process was unfair.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez said after a two-day hearing that The Onion’s parent company, Global Tetrahedron, had not submitted the best bid and was wrongly named the winner of an auction last month by a court-appointed trustee.

“I don’t think it’s enough money,” Lopez said in a late-night ruling from the bench in a Houston court. “I’m going to not approve the sale.”


In the final days of his presidency, Biden has made good on a campaign promise to diversify the federal judiciary, by appointing a record-breaking 40 Black women as judges. All together, Biden appointed 62 Black judges.

Lena Zwarensteyn, who studies legal issues at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Humans Rights, said the move also signals a very specific ideological intent on the part of the president. Biden populated the bench with Black judges who may often be on the front lines of weighing some of the most significant issues facing the Black community, including health care access, equity in education, fair hiring practices, abortion, and voting rights.


Marcus, from Tottenham, North London, had been enjoying a holiday with his parents when he met a fellow Brit at the same hotel. A holiday fling sparked and the pair spent time together until the girl, also from London, flew back to Britain.

In Dubai, if an adult has a sexual relationship with a person under 18, they can be prosecuted for having a sexual relationship with a minor. The relationship would be legal in the UK.

Marcus and his parents were set to fly back shortly after - but their plans were thrown into chaos when police knocked on their hotel room door. The "terrified" teenager was then reportedly hauled in for questioning without any explanation and held at the Al Barsha Police Station, DID said. He spent three days there, during which time he was not allowed to make a phone call or speak with his parents, it is claimed.

Car brain energy. (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Stoli, a top vodka brand with a presence across the world, filed for bankruptcy last week - with an apparent cybersecurity incident among the reasons.

In the bankruptcy filing, the company listed many reasons for its financial failings, including legal disputes with the Russian government, the country’s confiscation of two distilleries worth around $100 million, and a ransomware attack that allegedly happened in August 2024.

In the official document filed with the Texas bankruptcy court late last month, the company’s CEO Chris Caldwell discussed the cyberattack. “In August 2024, the Stoli Group's IT infrastructure suffered severe disruption in the wake of a data breach and ransomware attack,” he said.

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