Imagine knowing about encryption and using a cloud service
Every country I've traveled to.
Japan and Korea were all smiles while asking me to go English. Very patient.
Some Germans saw me as a way to practice their English, which was funny.
France, I avoided tourist cities and they still had a look of annoyance with my broken French.
Thailand/China was probably the most "stop, just speak English".
Haha I say Fucking A.
Works for everything.
My buddy says a thing when he doesn't understand but doesn't want to offend.
Man: lots of psychopaths
Him: "You know it! All day every day"
Challenge accepted.
You're not the only one. I bought a Steam deck because why not. I didn't have a use case.
But every month for a year, I continued to play more and more on Steam deck over PC.
It's reaching a point where if i had to choose between upgrading my graphic card or buying the next iteration of a Steam Deck, I'm going for that next Steam Deck.
Me hooking up my PC to the TV. 🤮
Me using Steam Deck to play on my TV. 🤩
It's weird how America is pretty divided on this. Like we believe in consequences?
So you can absolutely yell Fire in a movie theater and get a lawsuit. Or you can scream "Bomb" in an airport and get tackled.
Yet on the phone, some lady said "Delay, deny, depose" and suddenly, she's a terrorist.
We "believe" you should have the power to say anything.
Yet that's a lie and Americans still believe in it.
As an American, there isn't a single thing I read here that I disagreed with.
But are people expecting change? Like you hate American sitcoms... Bro so do I! You hate how much we take over world politics. Like dude I know, sorry man!
But continue sharing. It's nice to get some opinions and bring us down a peg.
This sounds pretty accurate! When I was enjoying sitcoms, i was in my teens. Where the +30yo crowd barely could relate.
Look at all these videos of your step moms doing things!