I laughed way too hard at this
Also when they assembled into a squad and said, "It's Dunin' time!"
Ain't nobody got time for that gonna ask AI
There was a article where the journalist asked a dozen people how old they felt, versus their actual age.
And every single person said they felt in their heads, 10-20 years younger. Like, a 54yo said they felt more like they were 35yo.
I'm hitting forty and I feel like I just understood what life is about, something I should have felt in my mid20s.
Ugh math get out of here it's a weekend
"After charging you $80 dollars for a night out, we have dropped it to $60. Please clap."
Post: "Company allow employees 2 extra days of PTO to deal with cancer treatment"
Actual report: company was obligated to add PTO days under federal law.
Commenters: omg yaas queen I love Company they treat their employees right love them 🤤🤤🤤🤤🍆🍆
Right? I'm all for it.
I want stupid people to remove themselves from society as quickly as possible.
Every corp you work at has a dark side. Maybe not Lockheed Martin level of destruction.
My current job, we build systems to get people to spend more for things they don't need.
My last job, we provided technology to "free speech" folks and looked the other way unless legally obligated to take it down
The nonprofit i worked for spent 80% of their time and energy just for funding. Like $2mil a year, and 1.6mil went to paying staff.
Sometimes jobs frame it to look like it's a positive.
I worked at one company that "gave opportunities" to offshore engineers because they were a fraction the cost of Americans.
Another company outsourced our graphic design to people on Fiverr to help fund "freelancers", and then repurpose the work for million dollar ad campaigns.
And for me, I just constantly think of what the line is and how much of it I can cross to feed my kids.
Surprisingly not! Latinos and suburban folks making under 100k.
I searched for the billboards and just yikes.
Yeah you in can try to spin in whatever way you want, but it definitely comes off like America is full of rapists.