no more than there's a free lunch.
There's a lot of overlap of features. For example, we have a serverless function that does one thing for a dozen different departments, as well as for affiliates. Right now, our solution is just to say its part of the "operating expenses" bucket, which is our black box of things that just need to be paid.
The solution to fix this would be to split the function as separate instances, to get cleaner tag data.
But now you have separate instances of the same code and everything is even less efficient/effective, and significantly more overhead for "cleaner" tagging.
The serverless function is a extreme tiny example. Multiply that by bigger projects/critical architecture/etc.
For our company, we accept not really knowing the exact details, because the cost of getting that clarity is a magnitude more work for little gain.
Man baby and CEO apparently forced this on the open-source community.
My wife complains when she doesn't wash her hair after a few days and I'm just...
Where do you keep your photos of those beautiful equine?
As a php user, this is hilarious.
The issue shouldn't effect any php users today, as this is a issue with older versions of PHP 5.5, where the "outdated PHP 5.6" was released in 2014.
Anything on PHP 5.6 has been a security risk for half a decade already. So this is like if you were on Ubuntu 14, or Windows 8. If you have problems, it might be you.
Not trying to provide tips on how to grow a religious murderous cult but food absolutely has been a major driver to increasing membership count.
I'm excited for you to get annoyed at the british food.
Seriously though rooting for your happiness!
The "Go woke, go broke" man babies who believes that failed games were because of politics™, and any attempt to help those people is a act of aggression.
Just go to your local dispensary and spend $10 for a nice piece of candy.
The way a civilized city should have it.
There's a lot of money to be made being a fake girl on the internet getting gifts from sweaty horny dudes.
Quick allowlisting to gaslight the journalist.
Jokes aside, this is more about this topic:
And these conversations are important to have during the evolution of AI systems.