
joined 1 year ago
[–] Favor@beehaw.org 25 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Oh they for sure care, just yesterday I was listening to a podcast and one of the ads was for Orlando. The theme of the ad? "Orlando is still great for gay people" They cited all kinds of statistics in an attempt to prove gay people should still visit and that it was a safe and fun place for them. They understand how critical those DINK tourists are, especially when you already have a lot of infrastructure and investment in attracting and serving them.

DeSantis doesn't care, but I promise you that lots of conservatives on the ground will start caring when their business traffic starts to choke off. Conservatives retire to Florida, but I'd imagine liberals make up at least half of the tourists between spring break, nightlife/LGBTQ hotspots, and how "woke" Disney has become.

Florida's current economic landscape is only possible due to tourism money, and once that reality becomes clear people are suddenly going to become far less concerned with non economic issues. Even the promise of tax cuts won't work when entire industries see their revenues drop by meaningful %'s.

I'm from Kansas, I know what it looks like and feels like to live in a conservative economic death spiral. The reality is you have to let it start getting worse before people take it seriously and put a stop to it. Even the conservatives here voted out Brownback after he started gutting every maintenance, service, and school budget in a failed attempt to balance his tax cuts. All those people who treat politics as a game get real serious once it hurts them directly, but until then I'm not sure there's an effective way to reach them.

[–] Favor@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

If kids shouldn't suffer for the sins of their grandparents then why should other kids suffer for the sins committed against their grandparents?

You can't starve one man while feeding another for years, then give them both equal food for a few months and assume they'll be even. You by necessity have to give the starving man more, and regardless of the fed man's complaints it isn't unfair for him to get less - he's literally been getting more the whole time and is perfectly healthy.

[–] Favor@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think this is legitimately the commander of the most elite force being fed up that his men are dying in a losing war and his recommendations falling on deaf ears. His "I need ammo" video from a few weeks ago certainly wasn't part of some grand masquerade either, the city's supply lines were just destroyed by Ukrainian artillery.

He's not demanding Putin out, he's demanding changes in military leadership to properly supply and command the war forces. He can't just leave the war at this point, so he had to do something drastic otherwise most of his forces will end up as casualties. It also gives him some setup to actually leave the war if his demands aren't met.

All of this "highly controlled" talk has gotten a little hyperbolic given recent events. I think there's serious reason to think Putin has an at least somewhat loose control of everything except the oligarchs and GRU. He absolutely has the wealth and kompromat that is claimed and there's no question he's had several oligarchs assassinated, but beyond that it appears his control and oversight is relatively weak. Probably because competent people are dangerous to give too much power to. Look at Prigozhin, he's far from being capable of knocking Putin down but he's still starting to make demands.

What happens when you give barely competent and corrupt people the majority of the military leadership roles? Ukraine - the best equipped troops were sent in first but the plan barely went beyond that and went completely tits up once those forces got wiped out. They keep outrunning the supply lines of what little they do have. Morale is in free fall.

I don't think Putin is close to getting ousted, but for the same reason Russia can't be more than a barely functional country. There just aren't enough competent people in powerful positions that he trusts/can control to run a country.

[–] Favor@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Implosions require a lot of pressure, so whatever took them out did it while they were still deep.

My guess is it happened as they approached extreme depths. Metal fatigue and poor design aren't always instantly apparent, but they stack up exponentially. The same way the CEO had piloted it down before he did again, then BANG and done. Would have been practically instant and without warning.

[–] Favor@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

Mirror tests we're now realizing are also very biased towards human perception and cognition, at least as they've historically been conducted.

A dog won't pass a visual mirror test for example, but they have zero issue with a scent based one.

Other times it may come down to more complex personal factors we're not yet fully able to understand. In the one test I was able to find involving Asian Elephants they tested 3 different elephants all from the same group/enclosure at the Bronx zoo. Only one of the 3 that were involved passed the test, but she passed it without leaving any room for doubt.

The fish in the article, cleaner wrasse, have specifically evolved to recognize colors or shapes that are out of place as that's how they identify the parasites they consume. Logically it makes sense they'd be better adapted to pass a visual mirror test than most animals.

If a small and otherwise unremarkable fish is able to pass the mirror test when conducted in a manner that coincides with how it has evolved to perceive the world then I don't have any trouble believing it's entirely possible many animals are capable of passing it. It's likely more a matter of how it's conducted, with the need for dedicated tests factoring in the animal's capabilities being the critical factor. If you think about it, if you were abducted by aliens and they had you try to identify yourself in a mirror that reflected infrared radiation, the spectrum they saw and perceived in, then you would fail too.

[–] Favor@beehaw.org 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I can't speak for other cars, but my Prius uses the electric assist motor as the starter motor as well. Compared to a regular ICE car that's a massively stronger electric motor than average starting a smaller than average engine.

My favorite thing about it though is I have the longer hatchback model and if you replace one of the back seats you can fully lie down for car camping. What about the heat you may ask? I can just leave the AC on overnight, the car will start up and use the engine like a generator to recharge the battery then turn back off autonomously. I always keep some spare gas in case but I'm always shocked how little it uses.

[–] Favor@beehaw.org 21 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Additional additional context: The absentee head mod (legweed) returned a week before the protests and made a thread for all the mods of the sub to discuss whether to do a blackout. Basically nobody else meaningfully interacted except for the a single mod who was vehemently against it (CedarWolf), the same mod that was promoted by the admins.

The users of the sub overwhelmingly supported the blackout, but CedarWolf was involved in mass comment/post removals and bannings of pro-blackout content in the leadup. This included mod convo posts literally saying the community can't make the decision for themselves and that they (CedarWolf) know what's best for the community. At the same time legweed was trying to get other mods opinions but nobody actually responded until legweed make a stickied post to engage the community. This upset CedarWolf as he'd been spending most of his time suppressing those same conversations from happening.

I'm not saying an absentee mod should be able to show up an unilaterally private a sub, but in this case they were showing up to engage the community and the community was the one who asked to have it privated. None of the other mods really cared enough to argue, the one anti-blackout person was basically alone in their opinion and is equally responsible for a unilateral decision, except that one went against the community wishes.

Sure legweed was an absentee head mod, but CedarWolf wasn't just active, he's terminally online and has a really nasty superiority complex. I don't think either is really head mod material but one sided with the admins and now they have the unilateral control they had already tried to exercise prior.


