In Canada, another election would've been called by now
"Mental health is knowing when and how to act out"
Sad. I was looking forward to the Tiana series
We should be beating up teslas for charity
I've found that sometimes people take a question as a complaint. I don't understand why either
I got in trouble on Facebook for quoting something Trump said about crime on 5th Avenue. If it isn't appropriate to say on Facebook, it isn't appropriate to say on a campaign trail
Trump and Musk are like babies. Only a few months old and not yet able to build things with blocks, only able to knock things over
Is it fair that this woman is locked up somewhere while Elon Musk roams free?
Because doing good isn't supposed to be with the goal of being rewarded, it's supposed to be to help make other people's lives better. When you help someone by giving them a ride somewhere, it doesn't make much of a difference to the universe but it makes a difference to that person in that moment
No. Try a declaration
Morally, I'd consider it attempted murder but legally, I'd find the idea of someone being prosecuted for it rather silly
I wondered what he was on about