
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 17 points 6 hours ago (3 children)

I love Japan, but I will say it has its issues that often get overlooked. Workplace culture is horrific in Japan and it contributes to their high suicide rates. There's even a word in Japanese that specifically refers to a person dying from being overworked. I know friends who immigrated to Japan, only to regret it because they saw for themselves just how harsh the workplace culture was. Japanese people have no time for their family. Something must change or this problem is going to get worse but given it's a highly conservative culture I'm not sure it's going to see changes anytime soon.

[–] 18 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Wouldn't be surprised if the Trump administration threatened Disney into ditching it.

Trump is complicit in genocide.

That sucks. I'm still going to use it though because it saves a lot of time to help filter out transphobes but like any good thing there will be people trying to ruin it.

He's never cared about America. It's always been about power and sucking up to dictators.

[–] 1 points 16 hours ago

Ever since I was a little kid, I've had dreams where I'll wake up as a girl and I'll run to the mirror, and I'll start crying because I actually felt happy with my body. Those dreams would always hit the hardest because I'd soon wake up after that and find out it was just a dream.

While transitioning, I felt like I was becoming more "me", my true self, it's hard to describe. It's like a weight was gradually being lifted off of me.

The frequency of appearing as a woman increased post transition, but those dreams were already common pre transition too.

I hate being a man in my dreams, because that's not me, it doesn't feel like me, it'd be like waking up as a whole different person.

[–] 1 points 16 hours ago

I've been told by my doctor that fat redistribution is one of the slower changes to happen, and also one of the last things to change after you stop HRT. It's not permanent sadly, but it can take a long time after stopping HRT for the fat redistribution to reverse.

[–] 6 points 16 hours ago

Literally any bathroom in a red state.

[–] 1 points 16 hours ago
  • Because I played with Barbie dolls as a child.

  • Because I'm "weird".

  • Because I played as the female avatar in a game.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

In the video the guy apparently was passed out, but didn't start to breathe until the rescuers yelled at him to breathe. People in the comments are acting like the guy would've died had the rescuers not yelled at him to breathe.


There's a common saying that you can't die from holding your breath, because once you pass out, the autonomic nervous system takes over and you'll start breathing again.

The inspiration for this question is this video of a guy who apparently almost died from holding his breath too long, and being told to breathe while he was blacked out is what saved his life. People in the comments are praising the rescuers for saving the guy's life by slapping him and shouting at him to breathe after he passed out from holding his breath, and are acting like had the rescuers not yelled at him to breathe, he surely would've died.

[–] 0 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Hello, thought I'd add some clarification and context as OP's post is pretty long and difficult to read. OP is talking about this post, and is asking if the person the post is about, shinigamiookamiryuu, could be considered a troll.

It appears Shinigamiookamiryuu is known for doing controversial things across the internet on their various aliases, such as requesting a story being written of themselves and a forum member who they knew was 14 going on a date together.

They also downplayed Elon Musk's Nazi salute, and compared it to Pokemon:


There's this person, I won't name him, let's call him T. T's infamous online for stealing photos of red haired women to use for his avatars, "photos", and his whole online persona. For instance, he will claim to look like the women, saying that he has red hair and pale skin.

People have called T out on this because a real photo of him accidentally got leaked which shows he looks nothing like how he describes himself, and his rebuttal was "I never said those photos are of me"

T will also steal voice recordings from women who have exposed him in the past, using those samples to answer questions on Reddit, and when called out for this he will respond with "I never said the voice was mine". Some people noticed how his accent is constantly changing or his voice sounds AI generated at times, and he blames it on "foreign accent syndrome" when really what he's doing is stealing people's voice recordings. When people tell him he doesn't have foreign accent syndrome and is making excuses, he makes posts claiming people are "denying foreign accent syndrome exists" while leaving out the context that he used other people's voice recordings, to make himself look like he's being persecuted or is a "targeted individual".

He also is known for repeatedly making creepy comments to a forum member who he knew was barely 14, (he's in his 20's) requesting a story being written of him going on a date with him, saying "you're mine" to him, and "shipping" himself with him. When people call him out on this he says "it's slander" even though there's links to the things he posted. Then he'll say things like, "you cannot speak for a person's intentions because you aren't the proxy of their mind"

Also, when people point out that T's real selfie and the stolen selfies aren't the same race, he'll claim people are being transphobic to "transracial" people, and he'll also claim that people are being transphobic to him, even though he has never once claimed to be trans and is known for sending death threats to trans people in private message sessions.

This person does this kind of tactic a lot, and people get the impression he thinks he's being slick, and I'm wondering if there's a name for it.

I didn't, no. My friend told me that this person has an account on Lemmy but I'm not going to drop names in case it's against the rules.


Hello. So, my friend just sent me a message about something they've seen. There was someone who was stealing people's DeviantArt usernames to sign up on other sites, and 5 months ago, they posted these drawings on an account that was named after someone on DeviantArt who had a very similar style:

This person made a post on their main account 26 days ago where they showed some new art. This is what that art looked like:

Another recent piece of art they posted from less than 5 months ago:

More new art from them:

When my friend confronted them for this, they responded with "I changed mediums" to explain why the more recent art looks so different from 5 months ago and asked my friend to "find the original if you think it's stolen", but before they said that, they had lied about not deliberately taking people's usernames. The real person's account didn't have those exact three topmost drawings, but did have a very similar style and level of professionalism to the art.

I am not an artist, so it'd be preferable if any artists could chime in on this and whether a change of mediums would explain the differences or if this is bonafide art theft.

TL;DR the person who uploaded the first 3 drawings is saying them changing mediums is why their new art doesn't look as good. Is this plausible?

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