
joined 4 days ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Originally, I had set the "hostname" in lemmy.hjson as just "" but that was causing issues with trying to send email. So I changed it to the hostname of the server" ... then found out that when it sends emails, it uses that hostname as where to send people to in order to verify and login... no bueno.

So then I changed it to and now just have a redirect at cloudflare for www to naked domain

It sounds like I need to reinit the entire install ...

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

There aren’t any posts on any communities on my instance yet which might be an issue, sure.

What error are you getting when trying to post?

I do see that there is a post from you around half an hour ago. Something that is odd to me is that rDataHoarder shows where as rhomelab just shows rhomelab lol

I'm guessing that it's because a federated post was made to it? A local post made to it didn't change how it shows in rhomelab

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

can your instance still see mine and post to it? Asking because I haven't gotten any new posts in 24 hours when I know those same remote communities have newer content than that. Additionally, I can't see any comments that have previously been made..and my comments still don't sync and show up in the original posts feed.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (5 children)

can your instance still see mine and post to it? Asking because I haven't gotten any new posts in 24 hours when I know those same remote communities have newer content than that. Additionally, I can't see any comments that have previously been made..and my comments still don't sync and show up in the original posts feed.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I had to set it as this because if I used port 1234 for lemmy-ui then it would give me 502 bad gateway errors.

        set $proxpass "";
        if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
        set $proxpass "";
        if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\""") {
        set $proxpass "";

But this works.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

So when I look at the docker-compose file, the only exposures are 10633 on nginx-proxy which routes to 8536. Docker ps -a is showing lemmy-ui as 1234/tcp and lemmy as 8536.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                   COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                               NAMES
530dd3852e24   nginx:1-alpine                          "/docker-entrypoint.…"   15 hours ago   Up 15 hours             80/tcp,>8536/tcp   geekroomtech-proxy-1
e5976396c4f2   dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.9              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   15 hours ago   Up 15 hours (healthy)   1234/tcp                            geekroomtech-lemmy-ui-1
a91f86523a95   dessalines/lemmy:0.19.9                 "lemmy_server"           15 hours ago   Up 15 hours             8536/tcp                            geekroomtech-lemmy-1
15c8a65b2e02   asonix/pictrs:0.5.16                    "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…"   15 hours ago   Up 15 hours             6669/tcp, 8080/tcp                  geekroomtech-pictrs-1
135f75ceccf4   pgautoupgrade/pgautoupgrade:17-alpine   "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   15 hours ago   Up 15 hours (healthy)   5432/tcp                            geekroomtech-postgres-1

So you're saying it should look like this instead?

set $proxpass "";
if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
set $proxpass "";
if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\""") {
set $proxpass "";
proxy_pass $proxpass;

is that right?

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

hmm... ok. I'm guessing it's maybe the instances that i've tried searching on that aren't picking it up yet or something. Because here on and also neither are picking up my instance.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yes, set it up today. Was having issues with sending emails only to find out I had to just specify a different "hostname" in the lemmy.hjson file other than GeekRoom.Tech... so got that working.

I enabled the lemmy_federation trace settings and am seeing that it is finally federating and trying to send updates. Being that no one but myself is on it currently, I'm not terribly surprised by the instances being "behind".


2025-02-28T00:32:14.394971Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394974Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394976Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394979Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394982Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394984Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394987Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394990Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394992Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394995Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.394998Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395001Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395003Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395006Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395013Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395016Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395018Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395021Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395024Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395027Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395030Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395032Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395035Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395038Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395041Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395043Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395046Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395058Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395061Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395064Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395067Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395070Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395072Z DEBUG lemmy_federate::stats: Ok. 1 activities behind  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.395076Z  INFO lemmy_federate::stats: 0 others up to date. 61 instances behind.  

2025-02-28T00:32:14.662688Z  INFO lemmy_federate: Federating to 61/61 instances (0 dead, 0 disallowed)
[–] 1 points 4 days ago (7 children)
[–] 1 points 4 days ago (4 children)
[–] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

It appears that adding the below code has seemingly resolved the not receiving inbox messages part, but has not resolved anything else.

First, I disabled the Cloudflare proxying because I saw the troubleshooting guide mentions that Cloudflare proxy may cause issues.

Second, added the following:

# Attempting to resolve federation
set $proxpass "";
if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
set $proxpass "";
if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\""") {
set $proxpass "";

Hello all,

I am trying to understand what I need to do to ensure that my Lemmy instance can be federated, found, and usable with other instances and users. is my instance.

Currently, the issues I'm running into are:

  • If I search for my own user@myInstance.tld from any other instance, nothing comes up.

  • When I try to add my instance to, it shows that my "Instance is invalid, unreachable or unavailable."

  • When I subscribe to other communities from my instance, I am seeing posts, but no comments appear at all. I have verified that those same threads appear on the instance that they are generated on. (My understanding is that I should be able to see these comments and be able to respond to them)

  • All of the other communities that I have attempted to subscribe to are showing "Subscribe Pending", but the 2 communities that I've created on my instance are obviously showing as Joined.

  • If I comment on a post from within my own instance, that post does not show up on the original post. (again, may be my misunderstanding of how to use Lemmy lol)

I know I'm asking a lot, but it seems to me that obviously something is misconfigured, or I'm using Lemmy wrong.

What am I doing wrong? I can post configs if needed.-

Edit1: Looks like, based on some changes I made here:, that federation is now partially working as it is sending out activities... however, after waiting some more time eventually it shows that there are more activities that are behind (possibly after trying to edit a comment that I made and was trying to get it to post something to the feed)

Edit2: I have attempted to unsubscribe and resubscribe and it appears that is not working even after 24 hrs. The logs are showing when I am attempting to subscribe, and then the logs show that I am 1 activities behind for that action on all the subscribed servers. In addition, I changed the following:

set $proxpass "";


set $proxpass "";

However, I'm still not seeing any action on being up to date. I'm not seeing any new posts from other communities and I'm not seeing my comments on those remote subscribed communities showing up on the original posts.

Edit3: After doing some more digging, I believe I have found another part of the issue. So there's the NGINX reverse proxy that I have installed at the host level, which redirects to port for the geekroomtech-proxy-1 container to serve content from.

If I set the initial $proxpass value to port 1234 it gives me a 502 bad gateway when doing the curl tests. If I set it as: set $proxpass ""; then it returns values properly.

However, the issue becomes when I have these next two conditional sections that breaks the curl tests and goes back to 502 bad gateway:

        if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
        set $proxpass "";
       if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\""") {
       set $proxpass "";

When inside the internal proxy that lemmy provides, I can issue: curl -H "Accept: application/activity+json" http://lemmy:8536/c/rDataHoarder and returns information properly.

So... I exposed the ports 8536 on the Lemmy container, and magically, I'm no longer getting the 502 bad gateway errors.

      - ""

While I'm not seeing any failures for activity trying to come in, I'm still seeing communities aren't updating, subscribes are still pending, and I'm still not getting any activity showing up in the feel.

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