
joined 2 years ago

I've seen this! Good recommendation!

[–] 21 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Fun fact Firefighters lobby heavily for large roads (in the US) that contribute to increased traffic accidents...that they respond to. It's the biggest part of their job.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This was reported for potential harassment. Just to clarify for other users, doctor's sausage is a Russian sausage. It's pretty similar to saying "damn, you don't know spam when you see it? Shit.." (spam has a similar history...kind of)

Pretty sure this was a joke but The Faraway Paladin is an isekai that seems VERY inspired by, if not derivative of, The Hobbit.

[–] 36 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Japan has insanely long titles for light novels (which was also adopted by manga) in order to get people to pick up books. There's such an influx of light novels the writers starting turning the titles into summaries.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

No that was my point. Weird that they still clasp so tightly to class differences despite all the lessons they should have been learning from their entire history.

[–] 39 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I had to look it up.... unfortunately. Coming from a Brit is crazy though, considering their whole history as a country.

I think I saw some creator on TikTok speak on it, this explores some of the themes - - OH EW WTF I JUST SAW A COMMENT ON A DIFFERENT YOUTUBE VIDEO: "The fact that she based Bella off of herself to a dot really makes the fact that her brothers name is Jacob so much weirder."

banned /j That's horrifying

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It's weird how much of Twilight overlays with Mormon lore. The vampires Stephanie writes are basically angels, with the "bad" vampires being the ones who fell.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Banning the user above for anti-trans rhetoric. Explaining the position here because we're consistently repeating ourselves and it's exhausting.

Drag's user name is Dragon Rider. I would assume the neopronoun "Drag" is a shortening of Dragon but even if not bare with me... Pronouns exist to replace nouns. Our name (or in this case online, our username) is a proper noun. People rejecting pronouns in favor of just using their name isn't new. I don't know why the community is so upset about this. You are well within your opinion to not like people. Whatever, you're allowed to hate Drag as a person. Don't hate Drag because you dislike Drag's pronouns.

Even then, why tf do you care that someone wants to be called Drag? I don't care about alternate account's NAMES. We can't prove whether or not Drag has alt accounts and even then, why do you care? Care about Drag's actions.

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