1/4"? Feh. I use only XLR for my audio needs. /elitist audiophile
I bought a USB-to-aux adapter because my current phone does not have a headphone jack and my vehicle doesn't have Bluetooth. I use it literally every day, sometimes for hours. It's utter nonsense that they are getting rid of them.
Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?
The Statue of Liberty was at least original. The Daleks have been "wiped out" so many times, only to reappear with either minimal handwaving to explain how, or with explanations that take entore story arcs to explain only to be retconned two seasons later. They are the original 'somehow Palpatine returned'. It's tired. The Cybermen are almost the exact same story.
This man is touching kids. He's so covered in "I Touch Kids" red flags, he may as well be a billboard for Kidtouchistan.
Some of my favorite Doctor Who moments. I really hope they never bring them back and turn them into generic "villain of the season" like they have with Daleks and Cybermen.
The King's Field Trilogy on PS1. These games bounced off me hard back in the day, but I got curious about them after reading about their influence on Souls. These were games that were waaaay ahead of their time, and so satisfying now that I have the patience to really appreciate what From Software were trying to create. Also: definitely play the translated version of the first Japanese one.
I'm pretty sure moaning, whimpering, and forcefully suppressed screams will do the trick.
Ah, yes, everyone's favorite Dorito flavor, Dick Kicker.
Final Fantasy IX. Just... everything to do with Vivi and Quina. Those to characters cemented IX as my favorite in the series after initially writing it off as inferior to VII and VIII. While those games have some great narratives, Vivi and Quina both do such a great job of exploring what it is to be human, in their own beautiful and heart rending ways.
The entire experience of Outer Wilds.
So many parts of Persona 3, 4, and 5, but especially 4.
Here's a weird one: Starflight on Genesis. Not so much because of the story or content, but because I played this game so much with a friend of mine in middle school, and had all but forgotten about it. I was playing through some old Genesis games a month or so ago, and started this game up. As soon as the title screen came up, a flood of memories washed over me and took me right back to 1992. Bawled like a kid for about ten minutes as I realized I had an awesome friend that I had basically completely forgotten about.
I'm aware. I've been through half a dozen of them and don't want to buy another. An aux cord costs $5 and last practically forever unless you abuse them. My car has built-in Bluetooth, but it has a weird delay and randomly disconnects, mutes, or starts changing what I'm playing on my phone like a remote is pressing buttons.