How common was this? That was precisely how I discovered porn. Found a Hustler magazine on a trail I used as a shortcut between housing developments on my paper route when I was 11. Then found a whole stash of them in another part of the woods near a tree fort I built with some friends.
Dosbox works just fine on Android. No idea about iPhone.
Works great on Linux-based handhelds, too.
Sounds familiar. I wonder what it is about cider and malt beverages that suddenly don't settle?
Sounds delightful! Sounds like we need some Australian Sushi in my neck of the woods!
You've got it, girl!
It's even more crazy to consider the entire filesize for Vagrant Story is around 100mb. It's incredibly economical for what it achieves.
Knights Field series. I never could get into them back in the day, but I've been on a retro kick with my Anbernic and got sucked into them. Ended up putting 20 hours so far into the English translation of the first Japanese KF.
Also, Vagrant Story. Pretty much same scenario where I rented it back in the day and bounced off the combat for not making any sense to me. Tried it recently and really dig it. The combat system is really quite clever once you understand it.
I feel that. It is still the game I have logged the most time with, which considering I've got about 1,300 hours in Elite Dangerous is kinda scary. Between the original Xbox, PC, and Xbox One BC, I've got about 1,800 hours in it. Thoroughly enjoyed breaking every aspect of Morrowind.
Ah, yes, En Croissant. Very important maneuver.
"Any smaller and it becomes a ~~moped~~ apparel" FTFY
There is no legal or philosophical right to a modern firearm in the Constitution, either. The founders couldn't have predicted the ease with which a single individual could commit mass murder just 50 years later when the firearms of their time took half a minute to reload. One person alone can kill as many people in a minute with a single semi-auto rifle and sufficient ammo as over a dozen militiamen of the day. To suggest the founders intended to include modern weapons is a stretch well beyond the breaking point of reason or logic.