joined 4 months ago
[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I had put so many hours into trying to sort my bases for NG that I didn't even want to try and start over for NG+.

If I ever DO decide to pick it up again, assuming the save is still compatible I made a separate save file before finishing the game just to be sure.

Who knows, maybe someone will make mods to make it the game we all wanted it to be and I'll give it another go.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Star field couple have been a lot of things if people who haven't picked up a controller in decades hadn't decided to try and make it as generic and casual as possible.

And maybe it's just me, but the second I

spoilerfinished the portal and restarted the game
, I lost all interest in playing the game itself.

They made the content of individual plays not matter to me, so once I did a few speed runs to the finish line I just deleted the game and haven't played it since.

Also i could never figure out their base management system. I was hoping for something like "fallout 4 settlements in space" but all I got was "way less complicated Satisfactory".

I stopped playing about a month after it came out, so there's a chance they fixed some issues that I didn't know were issues, but I still haven't had the desire to try playing it again.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I have "all time fave" which are games I keep reinstalling every so often, then I have "installed" vs "not installed"

The category for favorites is just so when I inevitably go to look for a game to install because I'm bored with what I have, it's at the top when I un-check the "installed" button.

[–] 18 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Attorneys don’t just file a suit because their client said so: they generally need to be shown there’s an actionable case with a chance if winning

Man, I used to believe that.

The last 8 years have shown me otherwise.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago

There's also one where the child is intersex and collapses during their basketball game.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago


I imagine it's partly because we "don't do football"

I have a little giggle to myself every time one team beats another and half of my family is pissed and the other half is happy.

[–] 43 points 5 days ago (7 children)

A balrog? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Located entirely within the confines of the walkway leading from the crack of doom?

[–] 31 points 5 days ago

As someone who paid enough attention in highschool chemistry to get a B, and occasionally watches Nile(red/blue) and E&I videos.... I know some of these words/symbols!

[–] 29 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (3 children)

The "Ohio? Or is this Ohio?" is a great way to start a fight in both states, depending on how dedicated to American football the listener is.


[–] 27 points 5 days ago

Ah, insecurity and insane levels of rage. Name a more iconic duo.

I'm just saying, screaming that a gesture is making fun of your penis size is the quickest way to make everyone think you have the smallest dick in the world.

[–] 8 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Which is insane, how do you pillage most of the planet looking for spices to sell people and then have the blandest food in the world...

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