This is meant to be a non-exhaustive list, in stream-of-consciousness order.
Dedicated systems
- Traveller (in its many incarnations throughout the past nearly 50 years and derivatives such as Cepheus, Hostile)
- 2300 AD (now a setting for Traveller)
- Cyberpunk (2013, 2020, V3.0, Red)
- Paranoia
- Eclipse Phase
- Star Wars roleplaying
- Warhammer 40K
- 3:16: Carnage Amongst the Stars
- Shadowrun
- Apocalypse World
FATE based systems
- Bulldogs!
- Mindjammer
- Nova Praxis
- Diaspora
- Atomic Robo
OSR/d20 based systems
- Gamma World
- Stars Without Number
- Starfinder
- Mothership
Cortex based systems
- Firefly RPG
- Serenity RPG
- Battlestar Galactica RPG
Year Zero
- Mutant: Year Zero
- Alien: The RPG
- Blade Runner: The RPG
A host of modules and supplements named after the subgenre, GURPS-style. GURPS Transhuman Space, Cyberpunk, etc.
Other systems
- Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius 2d20)
- Dune: Adventures in the Imperium (Modiphius 2d20)
- Stoneburner
Have a suggestion to improve this? Your favorite game missing? Leave a comment.
Now draw a werehouse.