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[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 12 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

But Trump very much believes in eugenics, so you have to read his report knowing that Trump was part of crafting every word of it. His German heritage, coupled with his fascination with Hitler, his father marching with the KKK, all make it hard to believe he isn't just telling you who he is.

Otherwise yes, some people hit the gene lotto and don't have risk factors to a lot of diseases. But that is not what Trump is talking about when he talks about genes, he thinks he is the "master race".

Edit - A piece on Trump's gene beliefs for context.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 32 points 14 hours ago (7 children)

We should probably just listen to his doctor, Dr. Ronny Jackson, who flooded the White House with all sorts of pills. He even had some nice dog whistles to eugenics to say about Trump.

"It's called genetics," Jackson said. "Some people just have great genes. I told the president if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years he might live to be 200."

He also said Trump was 6' 3" and 239 lbs. except when they did his booking in NYC and Georgia it said something else. His NYC booking put his stats @ 6' 2" and 240 lbs., but then in Georgia a month later he was measured at 6' 3" and 215 lbs. meaning he gained an inch and lost 25 lbs.

And apparently some "expert" used a photo to determine Trump is really only 5' 11" when comparing him to his youngest son Barron who is 6' 7" tall.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social -1 points 14 hours ago

That wording is again hard Right wording/phrasing. We are not giving preferential treatment, we are attempting to undo some of the systemic racism in the system.

I think this video is pretty good at looking at Black MAGA, and the wording they use. And this part of the video hits are talking point here perfectly.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Your repeating right wing (hate group) language, again undercutting what I think you are thinking you are supporting. What Thomas is saying is the same language used against LGBTQ+ people when they say things like "why do they need a parade to celebrate themselves, you don't see straight parades". Thomas knows what he is saying, and crafts his hateful rhetoric carefully, but it is all full of dog whistles and always in bad faith. There is a reason he "vacations" with and gets RVs from the rich white billionaires that just happen to collect Nazi memorabilia.

Except it's already not happening. The whole pretending that it is, is how they sell their bad faith ways to disenfranchise voters.

Ok, so a business loan, no big deal. Oh .... what's this?

If Constellation received a federal loan guarantee, much of the risk attached to the project would be shifted to taxpayers in the event of a default. It also would reduce the borrowing costs needed to finance to the restart. The project still needs to obtain regulatory approvals to move forward and would require intensive safety oversight during and after the restart.

Well that doesn't sound good, I would like some reassurance. Constellation, what say you?

"Rest assured that to the extent we may seek a loan, Constellation will guarantee full repayment," the company's statement said. "Any notion that taxpayers are taking on risk here is fanciful given that any loan will be backstopped by Constellation's entire $80-billion-plus value."

Ah good. A company that for sure is going to hold to its word and not shaft the state or tax payers. Great!

Due to the age of the plant, some experts have cautioned that the project may require significant investments in refurbishments and maintenance beyond the period of the restart.

"The $1.6 billion is just the start," Mark Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University, told the New Republic. "Microsoft will be asking for government handouts just like most all other aged nuclear reactor owners have asked in multiple states."

Super, a for profit company worth 3.11 trillion USD (as of 1:25pm EDT) that just needs government handouts for it's business based on choices it has made to further its own worth. That sounds great, I'm sure taxpayers will get a return on that investment right? Right??

In September, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro touted thousands of energy jobs that will be created by Constellation's plans at Three Mile Island. Constellation, which plans to rename the facility the Crane Clean Energy Center, has claimed it will generate about $3 billion in state and federal tax revenue.

OK, so $3 billion minus $1.6 billion equals $1.4 billion, minus whatever Microsoft gets as a handout (likely equal to or more than $1.6 billion) equals potential negative billions? Yay capitalism! I'm so happy that the US is willing to help small businesses like this.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social -1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Using a bad faith argument from Thomas undercuts your position. The way the Right frames Affirmative Action as "reverse racism" and part of their over arching attack on DEI is all done in bad faith. They know removing a policy like Affirmative Action allows them to filter out those they see as "less than" under the cover of equality, when white people have been operating from a position of great advantage, while continuing to chip away at any gains by people of color.

The US has used things like Jim Crow, Redlining, White Flight, and on and on in order to keep an equality divide. Meanwhile white people could always buy homes/land and pass on generational wealth, putting white kids ahead of kids of color from day one, and compounding generation after generation. And that lack of generational wealth plays into a divide in the quality of education as well. And the strawman of "but there are poor white people" is also often trotted out to defend "race-neutral policies" like "admissions to top percentile students". But having poor white people doesn't somehow erase generations of oppression against minorities. And people creating a "top percentile student" policy know that statistically they still end up with a more white population as a result.

So a policy like Affirmative Action shouldn't be framed as giving a minority advantage, it's more like trying to level the field (for at least a percentage of students) that is titled in one direction.


Trump has a history of treating workers poorly for decades. He has been known to exploit labor from those that might not want to talk with Immigration, paying pennies on the dollar, or just straight out refusing to pay them and threatening counter-lawsuits if they try to use the courts to recover any money. When he did his feed with Elon he gave Elon praise for firing workers on strike.

Trump and Musk discussed firing striking workers. The UAW is now seeking an NLRB investigation

“You’re the greatest cutter,” Trump told Musk. “I look at what you do. You walk in and say, ‘You want to quit?’ I won’t mention the name of the company but they go on strike and you say, ’That’s OK. You’re all gone.'”

Musk said, “Yeah,” and laughed while Trump was talking.

In June, eight former workers at SpaceX, Musk’s rocket company, sued the company and Musk, alleging he ordered them fired after they challenged what they called rampant sexual harassment and a hostile “Animal House”-style work environment at the company.

Correct. It was just an example under ideal conditions when everyone involved was acting in good faith, not taking into account capitalism, which demands the graph go up no matter what.

Anyway, either way it demonstrates that tariffs aren't free money (or even a money making tool) like Trump believes them to be, and the BS he is trying to sell Americans on.

Charismatic adjective

  1. exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others.

I wouldn't consider staring off while trying to reword your same lie as being charismatic. There is a reason his favorability has been under water the whole time, it isn't because he was a Marine. I have met Marines, and I have seen former Marines in office that can have a normal conversation, and actually appear to care. JD lacks the ability to converse, and has zero ability to relate with anyone, even MAGA folks.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yeah, I think it's more of an example of JD coming out against a group of people who at one point in time he thought he might be a part of. I think using it to show his hypocritical stance swings is ok, but I agree that one passage in a book shouldn't be considered evidence of him being "out". And I don't believe in "outing" people either, but this passage was put out by him, and I shared it for the reason I just previously stated.

[–] TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social 19 points 3 days ago (4 children)

In his book he told his grandma he thought he was gay ...

I'll never forget the time I convinced myself that I was gay. I was eight or nine, maybe younger, and I stumbled upon a broadcast by some fire-and-brimstone preacher. The man spoke about the evils of homosexuals, how they had infiltrated our society, and how they were all destined for hell absent some serious repenting. At the time, the only thing I knew about gay men was that they preferred men to women. This described me perfectly: I disliked girls, and my best friend in the world was my buddy Bill. Oh no, I'm going to hell.

When he brought up the issue with his grandmother — known to Vance as "Mamaw" — she replied bluntly: "Don't be a fucking idiot, how would you know that you're gay?"

When Vance explained his reasoning, she laughed.

"JD, do you want to suck dicks?" she said, according to the book.

The young Vance, apparently "flabbergasted," said: "Of course not!"

"Then you're not gay. And even if you did want to suck dicks, that would be okay," she replied. "God would still love you."

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