
joined 2 years ago
[–] 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

The purpose of a system is what it does

The electoral college and our first-past-the-post system is a huge part of the problem. With ranked choice voting we would have more choices for candidates and progressives and socialists would have a better shot.

and America has never done Democracy.

We have been a democracy since the founding of our country. Consider reading a US history book to learn more. Our democracy is flawed. Fascists leveraged the flaws in our democracy to take it away. That's why Republican voters had to actually vote to take our democracy away, but of course the capture of our democracy has been happening slowly before that. Hopefully fascist incompetence means this isn't the end for democracy, but we can't count on that.

Our government is designed to limit choice to only those candidates that the owners of this country find acceptable, and this system is not threatened by the electoral failure of the Democrats, or even the loss of an entire major party, so long as the capitalists own any new party that rises to replace it.

Since Citizens United v. FEC corporations have had an outsized influence in our elections with unrestricted independent expenditures. But even before that, since Regan we've collectively adopted neoliberalism as a country. We've prioritized markets being free over people being free and all but the rich are worse off because of it. Late-stage capitalism has led us straight to an oligarchy of billionaires pledging fealty to a dictator.

It didn't have to be this way. We could have chosen socialism, changed to worker ownership of corporations, and levied wealth taxes on the rich. The issue was that we failed to get neoliberalism out of the minds of the population. People say something along of the lines of 'socialism doesn't work' and maybe even 'the soviet union collapsed' reflexively when they hear the word socialism.

Part of what we need to do is teach people that neoliberalism is scam and that socialism is the answer to their problems. In the coming years we are going to have a lot evidence that we can show people. But there is no sense in waiting. We can start on that now.

Electoralism is a trap. Voting won’t save us. We have to save us, and we aren’t all going to make it unless we can start working together outside of the existing political establishment.

Democracy is the best system we have for inclusive political institutions. If you know a better one that is more inclusive please share it. We of course need to organize between elections, now more than ever. But if you never vote when you get the chance, and we will be lucky if we ever do, all that organization goes to waste.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

To the Caribbean right?

So that would leave Cuba. Better than nothing.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (4 children)

That assumes Canada will be safe after their 2025 election. For now Canada is probably going to be a safer place to be than the US once the fascists take power here. The issue is then being stuck in Canada if you don't have a passport book in the event the far-right takes over there as well.

We are seeing the global rise of fascism right now, so the places that are safe will probably continue to dwindle. People should do what they feel they need to be safe. But its important to point out that the problem is not as simple as getting out of the United States. If a person finds they are in a position where they can only get this card and move to Canada they should totally do it if that's how they can be safe. Don't let me or anyone else stop you.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (6 children)

What incentive would they have to tamper with passport cards? They’re pretty popular in the border regions as an inexpensive way to get an international travel document.

The cruelty is the point. If the fascists see people using those to flee they might get it in their head to restrict access to them or refuse to recognize them as valid. I'm not saying people shouldn't take advantage of them now, but if people can get the full passport book it might be better anyway. Canada has their own far-right that is on the verge of taking over. And Trump has threatened to fire missiles at Mexico.

They are also mentioned in several international treaties, particularly with Canada and Mexico. The president doesn’t have the power to unilaterally abrogate those treaties.

Trump has threatened to be a dictator on day one and is planning to staff the government with loyalists who will do what he says. There's a chance he won't respect treaties while in office and instruct border patrol to deny people with those cards access to border crossings. What are Canada and Mexico going to do about it?

The Nazis are known for not respecting documents so they could kill people.

There was also confusion caused by a few cases that, by chance, came to light first. In these cases, police acted less violently. For example, there is a well-known case from Berlin where police renewed a trans man’s “transvestite certificate” after he spent some months in a concentration camp. Historians initially took this case to be representative. Now that we have a lot more cases, we can see that it is an outlier. Police normally revoked the certificates.

Again, it's fine to take advantage of this now. And people should definitely be told about this, because for some people it might be their only feasible option. There's a reason people are worried, that's all. edit: typos

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (4 children)

We knew who the Democrats and Republicans are. The Democrats are neoliberals. The Republicans are fascists. We have a democracy as long as we can keep it. If we lose our democracy we have no one to blame but ourselves. We elected Biden last cycle. We could have elected Harris this cycle. We failed to do so.

The Democrats were never going to spontaneously become populist this cycle. Harris' campaign was at least progressive leaning before DNC consultants ran into the ground. Our job was to spread the word to vote for Harris and how it would be useful for advancing progressive and socialist causes over time.

Instead accelerations spread the propaganda that Harris and Trump were the same on Israel's genocide and that people needed to protest vote. Not enough people voted this election in part because of that. We failed to use our tool, the Democratic Party, to prevent fascism.

It's not lazy to think voting was sufficient. The only way to win was to get enough votes. That's how democracy works. People spread pro-democracy messages as best we could. We lost the election to fascism. Now we need to organize, because there isn't necessarily going to be a next election. Hopefully there will, but we may need mass protests if we even want a shot at another election.

Also, Trump threatened to arrest top Democrats. It seems like the Democratic Party could be dead by the next presidential election.

A lot of the contradictions are resolved by remembering the Republican party don't want to lead, they want to rule. So Republican politicians say things like states' rights when they are out of power in the federal government. Because they don't want a Democratic Party administration to have power over their state. Then we they are in they power in the federal government they stop saying states' rights because they want power over every state.

It's because the Overton window is shifted to the right in the US.

If the Democrats were a better tool, that would be great. They're neoliberals, they don't listen to anyone. Socialists have been able to get into their primaries. One day we might even get one of them elected as the nominee. But we need to keep our democracy long enough to do that. And there's a good chance we just screwed that up.

Harris called for a ceasefire multiple times and promised to do everything in her power to end the war in Gaza. Trump said Israel needed to finish the job. Harris was the correct choice to help the Palestinians.

I saw you were stuck parroting propaganda and still are, so I decide to try to reach you. Me pointing this out to you has clearly been upsetting. Who ever got you hooked on this wanted to debilitate you so you would harm your own interests and the causes that you care about. Hopefully you've been able to tell that I don't think particularly highly of the Democrats. I see how they are useful and point that out to people. You seem unable to stop trying to sink Harris' campaign. She lost. It's done. If we're lucky we will still have a two party system. In the event Democrats still exist in some capacity, consider using them to advance your goals, as opposed to spread propaganda about the Democrats at the expense of your goals.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

The Democrats aren't going to become the party you think you deserve. But they are the party we can use to achieve our goals. If we fail to leverage them effectively that's on us. Spreading this propaganda is self-defeating. It's an exercise in shooting yourself in the foot. The Democratic Party is what we have to move the needle to the left. If we insist on casting them in the most unfavorable light possible to everyone, we shouldn't be surprised when no one wants to vote for them and they lose. Your time would be better spent targeting the Republicans with this stuff considering they are the people who want to kill us.

Obviously the Democrats would do better if they adopted a populist message. We can't control the Democratic Party. But we can influence the rhetoric around how people view their vote. If we make the Democrats look like fascists who must be protested out of a moral duty, then we've done the Republicans a favor. If we point out the Democratic Party are a useful way to advance progressive and socialist causes over time then we've done leftists a favor. Let's do the latter.

Of course we'll see what happens next year with this. Seems like the party could die if it's leadership are all arrested. If it doesn't, let's use the Democrats to our advantage. edit: typo

[–] 11 points 2 months ago

The ratchet effect is incorrect because it fails to describe the actual dynamic at play. Neoliberals move one step forward while fascists move three steps back. A fascist power grab followed by a neoliberal's incremental changes appear to the causal observer as the ratchet effect.

The solution is not to disparage the democratic process, thereby denying ourselves the chances of ever getting progressive or socialist agendas implemented. But to recognize it is nonviable to ever allow fascists to win. Especially when you only have neoliberals to replace them with.

I should have come up with this sooner, but it really takes seeing the sword of Damocles overhead that is impending fascism to not give a shit what others think of you.

[–] -1 points 2 months ago (4 children)

A politicians job during a campaign is to convince people they are worth electing.

Which is why American politicians stay in the American Overton window. Which is on the right side of the political spectrum. The way we made progress is by voting for the party that was the furthest to the left.

She became Biden 2.0 as her campaign went on,

DNC consultants, including Hillary Clinton, took over Harris' campaign after the DNC and ran it into the ground. That's not permission to give fascists a free pass. We are not Democrats. We don't live or die based on what Democrat politicians do. We find a way to make their campaign work because everyone's lives depend on it. There's too much at stake to just throw up our hands and say both sides. Democracy is not we the Democrats, it's We the People.

Anyway, let’s see, oh yeah: 94% of registered Republicans voted for Republicans in 2024, the exact same amount as 2020.

Yes, Republicans demonstrating they understand how democracy works as they dismantle it.

No one was duped, you sound weird and strange talking the way you do. It’s off-putting and makes me want to actively work against Democracy, because you’re doing exactly what I’ve been describing: dismissing everything I have to say while condescendingly speaking to me like I’m some misguided child.

This is you. Duped. Sounding weird and strange. Actively working against democracy because you didn't get what you wanted. It is an incredibly childlike temper tantrum.

The options were Biden or Harris or fascism. Through our collective failure we have chosen fascism. As adults, it's our job to take responsibility for what We the People had control over, which was our votes. Now if we fail to organize we will likely end up in death camps.

You've given up your agency the second you had someone to blame your misfortune on. I recommend you reconsider. There is again to much at stake to continue blame a party that is now going to prison. If we fail, we will again have no one to blame but ourselves.

Our democracy is flawed because of its flawed political institutions such as the electoral college that enables minority rule. What you're describing is know as direct democracy which is a kind of democracy.

Even though we have representatives who vote on our behave that is also still democracy. Representatives are an innovation that allow democracies to scale to hundreds of millions of people.

Disproportionate representation to small states however, is another example of a flaw in our democracy that causes it to favor minority rule. This favoring of minority rule is also part how we got here. We needed record breaking turnout to correct for this and we the people did not deliver that.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Accelerationists suppressing the vote with their rhetoric is part of how we got here. They are the ones who intentionally went out of their way to fail and make other people fail as well. If laziness bothers you, then this should drive you up the wall.

It was not the Democrats who were going to save us. It was we the people who would save our democracy with our votes.

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