We lost to fascism. This is the useless rhetoric that lost us the election. If we wait for the perfect candidate we will never see any progress in this country again. We got to this point with the rights we have because people voted for the furthest left option they could.
You have fallen for every fallacy that was thrown at you this election. As long as you care more about keeping your hands clean than people you will be stuck this way. Find someone you can trust irl. Anyone who has something to lose from this christo-fascist takeover will tell you got it wrong. Rejecting the Democrats feels good to you, but it has done nothing but harm the causes you claim to care about.
We knew the Democrats were neoliberals. The assignment was to prevent the christo-fascist takeover. People who didn't vote for Harris or spread this rhetoric failed the assignment. Trump may get two more Supreme Court picks and Israel will be allowed to continue their genocide of Palestinians indefinitely.
The stakes could not have been higher this election. At no point does the Democrats being neoliberals who are bad on issues compel us to be ineffectual. We got bogged down by rhetoric that got in the way of what we as the left needed to win, record voter turnout.
Everything in your post boils down to the Democrats didn't promise me everything I wanted so it's the Democrat's fault. This is a useless mindset that helps no one. For everyone's sake, ditch it.
People can only hold one set of beliefs in their heads at a time. By not fully internalizing neoliberalism as a scam people are unable to internalize socialism as the answer to their problems. They can't accept systemic change or wealth redistribution if their institutions are infallible.
And with all the people pining for a dictator that agrees with them, democracy needs all the love it can get.
Yes, because instead of socialism and democracy we got late-stage capitalism and christo-fascism.