
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

or like The fluctuations in gold, silver, fiat or commodities when they first appeared in the market.

Good thing none of those panned out or you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

The thing wrong with a stable company is that it doesn't afford those at the top uncontrollable, disproportionate influence and profit.

American business culture disdains stable companies that maintain their size.

American business culture advocates for and promotes unlimited expansion and profit increase above all else, which is obviously unsustainable and distracts from creating good products or social benefit If you put a moment of thought into it, and benefits the one or few at the top while exploiting everybody else.

When that venture inevitably fails, the winners at the top get to exploit their ill-gotten profit to influence culture at large, radicalize the exploited and propagate the exploitative system.

The winners are shuffled around, and continue making obscene profit from each successive top position at the expense of their society, simultaneously creating and breaking laws to further their selfish, unsustainable gain.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

"losing its previous 3-year lead."

what three-year lead?

"The future is uncertain, but the past is already set."

or you think it is.

[–] 0 points 4 hours ago

glad somebody's reading.

keep on.

[–] -1 points 4 hours ago

Hahaha, this is so funny.

[–] 1 points 4 hours ago
[–] 0 points 5 hours ago (3 children)
[–] -3 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (2 children)

"[Fiat currency] is a speculative market. That doesn't make it a good currency - in fact, it makes it a very bad currency. [Dollars] changing in value so much and so rapidly makes them awful for use as a daily currency, and they're backed by [gold] anyways because otherwise, they'd have no value."

yes, yes, go on.

"The only reason people care about [fiat] is because they think they can make a lot of money off of it when they hand the bag off to somebody else."

It's good that fiat currency never really got a foothold or it looks like you wouldn't have any argument.

[–] -1 points 5 hours ago (5 children)
[–] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (2 children)

this sounds like it's confirming my original comment with more specificity, that Intel was consistently playing catch up to tsmc and the only thing that might happen in the future is that maybe tsmc doesn't progress at the rate they have been and Intel develops a theoretical technology.

lots of maybes and ifs.

maybes and ifs are not evidence of TSMCs downfall, they're playthings that may or may not happen without any reasonable data to interpret.

I don't have a horse in this race, but I am allegiant to facts and logical consistency.

juggling what ifs is not very interesting for me.

[–] -5 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (1 children)

"crypto was stupid from the beginning"

How? Do you find debit cards stupid?

"people who knew about the tech told everyone so"

completely untrue.

people at the forefront of cryptography and economics were excited about the Bitcoin white paper because cryptographic digital currencies is an obvious-in-hindsight evolution in currency.

they were so excited about it that they joined nakamoto in creating cryptocurrencies, collaborating and developing new technologies until it was launched and beyond.

"idiots bought the shit to get rugpulled"

how exactly is gaining 400,000% in value over a decade a "rug pull"?

[–] 15 points 6 hours ago

wow, that's great to hear.

you can definitely do this. it's only scary until you start doing it, and then you'll get right into the swing of things.


Thank you ! community!

tldr: baking/steaming garlic in the peel is the clear winner for volume clove peeling.

Crushing is the winner for a couple cloves in a stir-fry, root end cut is obviously better for garlic chips.

The last garlic peeling post had so many good suggestions that I decided to trial each of them at least a few times with fresh/older bulbs of different shapes and sizes.

One method worked in any situation.

For peeling as many cloves as you want, each technique had some major cons except for the final, winning method put forward by !

The results were:

Smashing -

pros: easy, classic technique. usually works.

cons: peel can get stuck inside a smash, you still have to pull off the peel, occasionally the peel is still stuck to the skin, cloves are damaged.

Slicing off root end and peeling -

pros: easy, faster

cons: still have to manually peel it, much faster but not fast.

Garlic roller -

pros: I cannot find one. Sometimes works?

cons: can only roll a couple of cloves at a time, much more effort than other methods, have to either cut off the ends first or later, so you're doing all the work without any benefit. These are a no for me, dawg.

Shaking -

pros: fun to do, does work for more than half the cloves of large batches using two aluminum popcorn bowls for a minute of shaking.

cons: a LOT of effort, bruises the cloves before cooking, very messy, juice everywhere, inevitably doesn't peel every clove, so you have to spend time hand peeling the leftovers, even with prep work of slicing off top and root end.

WINNER is root end cut and steaming or roasting in peel as suggested by

pros: least effort, safest, cooking is already done, fastest and simplest clove peeling, no bruising beforehand, least messy


Cut off root end.

Steam(~10 minutes) or bake(400 degrees ~30 min) as much garlic as you want.

Let garlic sit for a few minutes to cool down.

Pinch the top end of each peel and the clove will pop out easily, discard peel.

Mash the garlic together and season however you like for a garlic dip.


pet urine, whiskey, perfume, you can use white vinegar to get rid of most smells on most materials: carpets, furniture, clothes, without damaging the material.

vinegar is amazing at breaking down odors and then evaporating and not leaving a trace.

Pick a number (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

I'm feeling 4

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

bold move with the title, but they really pull it off this book.

this is a great final installment.

the entire book is good, but here's a couple moments that stuck out.

spoilersI forgot how it starts, with menderash willingly turning into a nothlit(mirroring tobias in the first book) so that he can pilot the Yeerk ship to take them to investigate the kelbrid space is so exciting!

I wonder how many mirrors of the first book there are that I didn't notice since I was devouring the story.

the extended internal torment where Jake is reckoning with Rachel's death and his responsibility as a war criminal who sends his friends to their death.

That Jake and Cassie don't end up together.

but all the anamorphs are pretty much unfulfilled, carrying on Rachel's legacy.

I can't sing this book's praises enough, it really is a solid ending with room to continue or conclude a limited run if they want to.


doesn't even look like they bothered to erase the original title or crop the picture correctly,, but who doesn't like Nic Cage enough to overlook a lazy morph?


The peel is thicker and attached firmly to the root, so cutting off the root end first will save a lot of time and effort peeling garlic.

you can avoid stripping the peel into tiny sticky pieces or digging grooves into the clove while you gouge or scrape off the peel from the top or side.

this is another lifehack I would have appreciated learning years earlier.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

lots of great writing here.

this is probably my favorite description of an andalite in the series:

"he was a blue-furred centaur with a pair of extra eyes on movable stalks and a tail like a chef’s knife tied to the end of a bullwhip."


Finding arbron again is strange. weird that he is still a nothlit, weird that he has become the leader of his adopted species.

"come on cassie, show me where to go next." is such a great show don't tell apology by Jake.

It's so great that Jake trusts Cassie again and everybody else can see that she was right to let Tom take the morphing cube.

finally! it's been awful seeing her get treated like a traitor for so long.

and Jake basically asks Cassie to marry him, which is great.

I very much like the moment Tom realizes Jake is alive and the visser sarcastically congratulates Tom on his astute observation.

i also really like how the visser is completely aware and resigned to his fate. I wish he was a little more realistic and not so goofy as an evil son of a bitch most of the series.


If your shower is spraying in different directions or looks kind of gross, that's almost always mineral buildup.

pour a few cups of white vinegar in a plastic bag, dunk the shower head in there, leave it alone for a few hours, and it'll come out clean.

you can shake it every hour to make sure the vinegar gets everywhere and the broken down minerals get out of the way, but it's not really necessary.

I soak overnight sometimes, but that's usually not necessary.

White vinegar leaves no residue, no smell, won't damage your rubber or plastic seals, is cheap and safe to use.

vinegar is crazy useful, I'm sure it'll make a reappearance in this community soon.

for clarification - this is the everyday, supermarket 5 to 6% acetic acid white vinegar, all the normal cheap stuff at the supermarket is that balance. Not agricultural vinegar, which has a much higher acidic level(up to 50%) and will damage anything you put it on.


"Acceptable" mass casualties.

All of the emotional and moral discussions in this book are extremely well expressed and kick you in the gut.

spoilersI was surprised that Ax was still wavering so strongly this late in the series, but it makes perfect context for his absolute shock at Cassie's betrayal.

Everyone can see now that Rachel has a problem with enjoying violence and can't stop herself from indulging anymore.

the opening scene with Ax letting someone go free and Rachel rescinding that action was brutal.


tldr: yes it works; brita filters don't filter out alcohol and do filter out particulates.

set one filter aside in the fridge for your booze of choice, put it in the pitcher when it's time, filter your booze a few times, put the booze filter back in the fridge and use your high quality liquor for whatever you want.

this came about while I was in China because their 白酒, rice liquor, was the worst spirit I had ever tasted.

I have tasted a $5,000 bottle and a $5 bottle of 白酒 and the difference is negligible, both hovering around "wastewater" level.

I remember hearing about this lifehack and so I gave it a try with the Chinese rice liquor and after filtering it one time I could drink it like any medium shelf liquor, whereas before the filtering it literally smelled like rubbing alcohol and I'd want to immediately vomit taking a shot.

so I started testing other alcohols and doing blind taste tests with friends, and literally every single time, and I did a couple dozen blind taste tests, people voted the filtered liquor tasted better.

i started filtering vodkas and gins a lot for my own drinks or parties.

it works with any alcohol since brita filters don't filter out alcohol.

My filters lasted for months, I kept them bagged in the fridge until I filtered a new bottle, poured the vodka through the filter half a dozen times and then put the vodka filter back in the fridge.

It's a simple, easy way to get high quality vodka or gin for mixers and a great way to get any shitty alcohol tasting much better.

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