You don't even need external drivers. Reading Stoic philosophy, and abiding by the teachings will get you there also.
Your argument is circular.
In your view, determinism requires impossible perfect knowledge. It only seems probabilistic, because we can't do the impossible.
This is also not a technology problem. These are not limits we can overcome.
If you are really interested, look into the uncertainty principle.
At this point in science we are as convinced as is possible to be; that the universe is probabilistic in nature.
But we know for sure that the universe is not deterministic.
From a fundamental level, it is probabilistic.
Simple experiments can show this chaotic action.
Take for example the dripping tap experiment. The time for next drop cannot be predicted by knowing the timing of the previous drops!
This is not a random process, there is a pattern, but it is also clearly not deterministic.
He's ideas were interesting.
But practically, he didn't have a method to transport power without wires.
Yes, running wires is difficult. But trying to transmit power is staggeringly inefficient.
There is a massive profit motive, especially for trucking companies.
When there is enough money tho be made, it will be implemented.
That may not be the way.
But don't forget, all advances are cumulative.
The same way we do.
Slow down; drive by feel; look to the sides for trees, sign posts, other markers, knowing the roads.
Self driving cars.
We are on the early stages currently; ignore what Tesla/musk says; in 10 - 20 years full level 5 autonomy will be common place.
In the 80's the Cray 1 supercomputer was made, now I have so much more computer power in my pocket its frankly ridiculous. And it's runs on milliwatts rather than kilowatts.
I came here to say this, well played.
I think they were referring to a different Linus
One option...lean in, HARD! Dial the crazy up to 11..... One up every point she makes, every single time.