
joined 2 years ago
[–] absGeekNZ 16 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That is terRuble

[–] absGeekNZ 7 points 3 months ago

This is going to sound like an excuse, but my tinder date found my box of human teeth.....now she wants to show me hers.

[–] absGeekNZ 4 points 3 months ago

In my opinion, what stresses people is not rising costs etc..it is the eroding of quality of life that they are used to.

  • Rising costs are only a problem if wages are stagnant or as is often the case, falling in real terms.
  • Unaffordable housing is a major systemic issue, mainly being caused by inadequate supply. We have major issues in NZ with crazy house prices. The problem of high housing costs can't be solved quickly.
  • Huge tax burden is again not a problem if the social contract is being upheld. But as is often the case, the social contract is being eroded. We are paying the same tax as we were last year, but suddenly the services we receive for that money are reduced or removed.

For example in New Zealand, the previous government removed the co-payment on prescriptions from the pharmacy. The current government has brought it back, services have gotten worse over the time also...

[–] absGeekNZ 1 points 3 months ago

Now I feel inadequate, I have only been online since 87.

I also hadn't seen this.

[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 3 months ago

It seems very similar to the "health star" system we have here...it is next to useless.

Say I want to pick up a snack, do I go for a small bag of potato chips or a yogurt? Which is healthier?
Who the fuck knows, you can't compare two snack foods, that is a logical and reasonable idea, and we can't have that.

But it can also be deceptive, because the yogurt may have 2 stars and the chips have 4 stars, because they are only rated against their own categories.

There should be a simple system. Where everything is compared to a "standard"; like steamed broccoli, with no sauce.

[–] absGeekNZ 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I guess that taking some of a really big market allows them to reach profitability earlier. Potentially expanding their product stack to have smaller vehicles.

Also if a truck buyer who was going to go gas/diesel instead going for electric is overall better.

Having an electric alternative to all gas/diesel parts of the market is very important.

[–] absGeekNZ 9 points 3 months ago

Where is the meme where this is on top, and there is an image of tux with "The most secure operating system"

[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 3 months ago

All I read was "natural hangi pit"

We have those all around where I live.

[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 3 months ago

Cross posted to New Zealand, because I read the comic and though a kiwi must have posted this till I read the community.

[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

This sounds very much like me.

My propriception is pretty amazing; I can walk around in the dark with confidence. I don't run into things and it does perplex others. I always know where in space my body is and my sense of balance is good, potentially even great. I picked up snow boarding in an hour and standup paddle boarding in 15 min!

I have a question for you. How is your typing?

Often I will type words wrong by moving the double letters, e.g. instead "cool" I'll unconsciously type "coll". But I have no trouble switching between keyboard layouts, on my laptop I have it set to qwerty, but on my mechanical board (split crkbd) it is set to colemak. I switch back and forth all day; that confuses everyone I have talked to about it; even my keyboard enthusiast friends; they can't imagine switching back and forth.

[–] absGeekNZ 0 points 3 months ago

Meat replacements are in large parts healthier than your typical highly processed foods. While that may be true, are they healthier than regular meat?

To reduce the environmental impact of our diet, our family cut down; a few years back; from meat with every evening meal, to meat 3 nights a week. It didn't take long to get used to the change, and out diet probably became healthier for it.

We are lucky, in that we have the time to prepare most foods from scratch. There is very little ultraprocessed food in out diet. These meat alternatives give me pause, I like the idea of plant based meat alternatives, but the amount of processing to generate the product is concerning.

[–] absGeekNZ 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Probably from this:

"In our recent survey of 2023, 68 percent of all police staff supported the general arming so it's something we'll be definitely having a conversation with the new Commissioner on,"

I believe the reference is from Dredd being empowered to arrest, convict, sentence and execute on the street. He is the due process.

I believe that our police should not be armed, beyond what they currently have. I don't really want to see an arms race with criminals.

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