As a butterfly I would recommend everyone plant clovers in their lawn. They are mowable, nitrogen fixing and were common in all grass mixes before broad leaf herbicides were common. They provide the surrounding grass and themselves with their own nitrogen as well provide some bee food. White dutch clover should be available most places and Flawn has a nice three color mix for all my clover needs.
Yeah not sure
I know they moved things to legacy and stopped selling it. I think it was just a subsection about Goblinoids that was removed but I can't remember to be honest. I was checking out from the DndBeyond system at that point. I still don't trust any digital only media.
The removed a bunch of lore and a few stat blocks when monsters of the multiverse was released. They were pretty minor and I can't remember all of it. I never had the digital content and it's more about principal
So I think you got some advice here saying that it is always okay to say no to sex but I am going to add some additional information and context. I am basing my advice on what I expected Americans longest running sex columnist Dan Savage would say. He gives great advice and I am midway listening through his backlog so it should be top of mind. I highly recommend both you and anyone who is interested to take a look at what he says especially about "maintenance sex" which I think this covers.
So as mentioned earlier you are an autonomous person and you don't "owe" anyone sex and no one "owes" you sex. So both of you don't owe each other sex as needed or as part of a quota program (i.e. 5 days of sex a week). That being said if you two made a monogamous commitment to each other (which should be an explicit opt-in discussion that should be revisited) you both should have a reasonable expectation to be sexually satisfied. That mean both of you are both getting a reasonable amount of the sex, orgasm and intimacy depending on your own needs. Along with this both of you need a degree of sexual autonomy as well that fits within your own definition of monogamy. This is typically permission to masterbate, watch porn, listen to erotica, harmless flirting etc. depending on what you two define as acceptable and this should typically be two sided.
So with both of these in mind there may be times where someone might feel the need to have sex with a partner when one is not 100% feeling it (this 100% feeling it, not anytime one partners asks). This would fall under the "maintenance sex" category which should have expectations at a reasonable time, with a reasonable amount of enthusiasm and with a reasonable sexual activity. This means it should happen a time that works for both of you so not at 6 am. Maintenance sex should be wild and crazy enthusiastic PIV sex but rather lower energy with a smaller expectations. That includes not having PIV sex but can be other sexual activities such as a masterbate assist such as letting him touch you, lending your hand to help him masterbate quick etc. [Dan would mention his thoughts about how often men would agree to sex if they had to be penetrated every time which is one of the reasons gay men have more sex since they have a nice broad definition of sex]. If done correctly maintenance sex can be upgraded to regular sex if both of you get really into it but shouldn't be expected.
That being said everything above is about "maintenance sex" in general and not your specific situation. 6 am is way too early. Daily is too often. Anyone who says "marital duties” is throwing up some major red flags. It is frustrating and demoralizing to get turned down for sex often but there should be a reasonable expectation. In times of major stress it should be expected to happen less. Also it depends on how sex is initiated. Is it a small gentle ask with a reasonable expectation of "No" that is better than a pouty guilt tripped crude ask. That is something you two might need to talk about if his ask is giving you the "ick". Saying "martial duties" is giving me the "ick" from here.
Paper and Pencil might be hard but there's plenty of free tolls for the math and dice rolling.
This is why you need physical books. You can't downgrade or stop me from using my books. After the removed content from Volos I was done. I still use it for filtering but have my physical books and my pirated PDFs. It's a real shame that they don't come bundled
Don't forget with the trifecta we got universal school lunches, the largest one year increase in school spending, legal abortion rights (both legislatively and from our supreme court), legal marijuana etc. it's been pretty great as a Minnesotan. Also the recent election after this 2024 moved to a tied session which is pretty good considering how shit the rest of the results were
I recommend people read "feminism is for everyone" by bell hooks. It's wonderful and a simple read
I had to drop Imperfect Food as well from the same problems. It was just more expensive than I needed. I haven't found a replacement yet unfortunately. We are now just buying food as needed. I have been interested in a CSA but haven't done it yet