
joined 10 months ago

Don't suggest hobbies or human contact. It's been suggested and it doesn't work.

I have a job I don't particularly hate nor like, some coworkers I get along with others are just morons, I go to work, then buy groceries, go home, eat, watch tv, go to bed. Rinse and repeat.

On my free days I do sport and watch pirated netflix. I don't spend much money on clothing or media and save most of my paycheck. What for? I have no idea. I don't eat out because I like cooking my own food and restaurants are expensive and the food is bland.

Everything is so expensive nowadays btw...

Most people bore me. I'm like an atheist monk.

I don't want to kill myself or anybody fwiw. It's like I don't give a crap about anything or anyone and don't see what's the point of living.

I don't want to travel because it costs money.

As soon as my cognitive abilities start to fail I'm going to be very easy prey for any online scammer.


some people trigger me so easily it's scary. Most of them are loud, lazy coworkers that somehow piss me off very easily.

Is this a normal reaction to morons?

it's not like I want to punch them, I'm simply relaxed and work better when I don't have to see them. They slow me down.


Lamp's function is going to provide light to the sheet music, that's it.

All I've found online is cheap. I just want something durable and reliable (meaning for the next 40 years), something I can attach an E26 or E12 to, nothing fancy, but durable.


I usually make 3 piles of laundry to wash according to color and not fabric: black clothes go in one pile, every other clothe I own goes into a second pile (colors white to navy blue). The third pile is for my bed linens and towels, (100% cotton, so I can wash them to 140°F)

Now, I don't know if I should make more piles instead, because my bed linens and clothes sometimes combine several colors and I don't know if they bleed and I'm slowly degrading them:

I was thinking of making a pile for black clothes, one for white clothes, one for every other color clothe I own (I have purple, yellow and green stuff plus denims), one for my bed linens (all of them are mixed colors, including dark and clear colors like red, orange, green and black in one piece) and another pile for my towels (one color only, but different ones, including green, purple, white, yellow and navy blue).

Regarding fabrics, I have 100% cotton, 100% merino wool, 100% polyester and mixed fabrics, so the number of piles can grow considerably.

I live alone, so sometimes I can need a lot of time to get a laundry worth pile of stuff to wash if I create as many piles as I suggested here.

I may be overthinking it but I'd like to do the laundry the right way and keep the stuff I already have in good condition. How do you do it?


I can either book a direct 3 hour flight or take a 36 hour bus trip across 1K miles changing buses 2 times in 2 different non English speaking countries but in big cities, so I assume young people and public facing employees at the bus exchanges to speak some of it...

I'd have to wait between 3 and 5 hours to board the next bus. Optimist me says great! I could go sightseeing, but with a large and heavy backpack this might not be a good idea...

Then there's food, which at bus stations or in tourists areas is neither good nor cheap no matter where you are, personal hygiene, pickpocketing... I'd be traveling solo.

And more noob questions: are travelers allowed to eat in the bus? Am I allowed to bring my own food?

I've read the post again and this looks like a really stupid idea... but did you ever do something like this? Any regrets?

[–] eli04@linux.community 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

somebody who gets it...


German nurse here who doesn't want to work at the bedside. Continuing education's called Weiterbildung here and lasts up to 1 year instead of the regular 3 required for a regular Ausbildung (Apprenticeship).

What most Germans do afaik: they find a company or institution that pays for this continuing education (Weiterbildung), so they learn both practice and theory at the same time and are officially hired after they've finished it. This is what I'm trying to do.

Plan B would be to do this Weiterbildung myself: I'd ask for financial assistance from the federal government, which in my case would cover 50% of my education expenses and reduce the hours I work for my hospital to 8 hours per week not to be fired, but there would be no guarantee that I'm hired after I finish the Weiterbildung to leave the bedside.

As much as I hate working with patients, I like the hospital, 'cause I don't have to commute much.


I'm a German nurse applying for a job office as a clinical coder. The main reason to leave bedside? I'm tired of dealing with arrogant, non compliant patients and being blamed for things I cannot control: think about the diabetic patient that keeps drinking coca cola or a patient that outright lies to me claiming he took his medication, but he doesn't or being blamed because a patient didn't go to angiology on time because I had to assist with another procedure. There are much more examples but I'll stop now.

I just want a quiet job with regular working hours and to have a life, time and energy for my hobbies. Being a clinical coder could be it. A simple, repetitive, boring office job looks like a blessing as of now.

I don't believe you should find accomplishment in a job: I work because I need the money and I have no idea what to write to imply I'm passionate about assigning numbers to medical cases so my hospital gets paid. It's like being an accountant. What do accountants write in their apps to impress potential employers? I like large and properly filed databases?

It doesn't look good if I write that I'm tired of working bedside (for the reasons I mentioned) and I just want to find a quiet job and go home and leave work at work, does it? But writing that I'm a nerd for figures and love assigning numbers to cases and also love large and properly formatted data files sounds ridiculous.

At the same time, I still don't want to shut the door completely to bedside because it still pays more than this position as a clinical coder and I may decide to go back later in time.

ETA: In Germany we also work with NANDA Diagnosis and Diagnosis-related Groups, like our American counterparts.

[–] eli04@linux.community 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (7 children)

work is important to me because I like having a roof, food and healthcare. I don't have the luxury of not having to work.

Are you saying that work is a place to dump your issues or what you did on the weekend to the point of not doing your job? This is something I find very odd. I don't want to work with people with this mindset.

Are you advising me to ignore patients when they call? cause that's what they do and if a job is simply inconsequential, why bother?

Are you also advising me to listen to them when they rant against greens (an ecologist party in Germany) or migrants? It's tiring and closeted racist.

I don't see how my work ethic is the wrong one, or how yours would be better. Better if I want to become a careerist? absolutely. Better if I want to feel good with myself? absolutely not.


obligatory I'm a German nurse living in Germany, but the German channels on lemmy don't have as many members as this one, so I ask here.

When I work I like to do my job and then relax. To me, doing it the other way round is just stupid. I was never the kind of person that goes to work to socialize, I don't need it and I strongly resent forced socialization.

For the last 2 years I've worked within the same hospital system and it's clear to me now, nobody thinks like me: all my coworkers spend the first hour of the shift talking about their private lives, as they were looking for excuses not to work and expect anyone else to take care of patients. And because I'm the only one with this job mentality, it's always me the one who works while the rest do nothing.

This is very frustrating and I'm now applying elsewhere, but it bothers me that my new workplace can turn out to be like this.

I'm also applying for office positions (no shifts) and wonder: does this happen there as well? Ideally I'd be completely responsible for my work alone.

I feel like a student at school again, when the teacher forced me to work in a group with the lazier ones and I ended up either doing most of the job or became as lazy as them. Why work when they don't?

I don't want to work with people who slow me down.


a normal shift to me means not having a 30 minute pause, but being constantly moving. If you are lucky, you can pause for 3 minutes and drink coffee or juice when nobody is looking.

I finish every shift with sore muscles. Am I the only one?


Tropischer Wald sagt, dass ich mehrere Konten bei ihnen habe und dass auf eine Zahlungsrückstände bestehen. Folglich sind meine Konten gesperrt. Dies ist mir neu, da ich selten Sachen hier bestelle.

Die Angestellte der Hotline haben nie verstanden, was ich nun hier schreibe.

Um mit tropischen Wald zu kontaktieren muss ich mich einloggen, was ich nicht machen kann.

Nun suche ich einen Weg, schriftlich diese Firma anzufragen, wie viele Konten ich habe und wie hoch die Zahlungsrückstände sind. Finde aber keinen Weg.

Meine andere Frage ist, ob die DSGVO für email Adressen gilt (ich habe mit einer email Adresse das letzte Konto erföffnet).


Eine Leihfirma hat mich kontaktiert und gefragt, ob ich im Krankenhaus zufrieden bin. Mit dieser Firma habe ich nie Kontakt aufgenommen. Wieso wissen sie wie ich heiße, dass ich Pflegekraft bin und dass ich im Krankenhaus arbeite?

Gibt es ein Register, wo Bürger / Firmen herausfinden können, ob man beruflich etwas ist?


Momentan suche ich einen Physiotherapeut und der einzige, der sich gemeldet hat, hat kein eigenes SLD (second level domain), sondern eine normale web punkt de Arbeitsadresse, so wie ‘physiotherapieschmidt at web punkt de’ statt z. B. ‘info at physiotherapieschmidt punkt de’

Normalerweise kontaktiere ich nur Ärzte, Anwälte und Fachmenschen, die ein eigenes TLD haben, ich habe es immer so gemacht, da das mir Sicherheit bringt. Weiterhin finde ich es profesioneller.

Irre ich? Wie macht ihr? Ist was ich machen möchte gefährlich?

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