We all know what the solution is, but no one is willing to do anything to get it.
Exactly. I got Harris money begs an hour before the election. Like, how is donating now going to help her get elected?
Those immigrants will never be deported. They will be round up, put in camps, and made to work off their detainment debt for pennys per day as their labor is sold to the ship yard at a fraction of the cost they paid before.
Okay but Yi Peng 3 is still doing its thing
It will just increase the demand for incest in those states.
I’m sure it would be clear with minimal investigation.
Hah, found the trump voter.
lol, yeah okay have a great night.
Yeah on “WeChat” in private, but never publicly. Which proves my point.
Ahh yes. Your personal account is evidence. And only the people you know have the evidence. And since you have “friends” that are Uyghurs, clearly you must be an authority on the matter.
Having been to Xinjiang, without being paid by the government, and having Muslim non-ISIS friends, I’ve heard accounts of family members being forced into re-education camps, many of whom never return—which means dead.
So, while they might be winning the “war on terror,” it’s not because they haven’t killed anyone, it’s because they refuse to talk about it.
People in China are so fearful of their government that they won’t speak out about what they are doing. Anyone who does ends up missing or dead.
There is lots of documentation. You just have to believe the source. And, when you are so in love with China, or paid by them, no source but the Chinese government will be acceptable. Of course, they are known for suppressing information.
Real change won’t happen with voting.