If you are going to spend that sort of money it has to come from somewhere. Will they raise taxes? Divert spending from elsewhere?
joined 2 years ago
Why are they considered bad?
Does one have to sign up on all those forums individually or is there a single sign on arrangement?
I think all we can really hope for and expect is "don't be a dick" An extreme position on hate speech will devalue and could mean "tow the party line" by future mods. However I think there is no value in pointless insults that add nothing to the debate.
Where in the world is prior farm land not farmable because of climate change?
Can you direct message here?
I didn't know there was an alternative to /r/NZ. Just stumbled on this. Will be interesting to see if it gains traction.
Interest that this is after the news headlines that we were the first country to reduce the OCR.