Also, bananas use a *lot* of pesticide. It doesn't effect the peeled banana, but no one worries about pesticides on the skin.
Also, bananas use a *lot* of pesticide. It doesn't effect the peeled banana, but no one worries about pesticides on the skin.
Hard to see how an individual could use this on a practical basis.
Perhaps a restaurant could save it's daily banana peals, dry them, and grind them to flour, but for a regular person, that would be too much work.
Also, the resulting flour can only replace 10% of the wheat flour, so it's likely most restaurants wouldn't bother either.
I have tried to make banana peel bacon, but the results weren't very enjoyable.
Could there be a reboot that decides to go back to the optimistic world view of the original?
It's not just Trek. Who decided that all SciFi has to be dystopian, brooding, militaristic, or horror?
It's ironic that if you want Trek with the vibe of the original you have to watch "The Orville".